Trying the 21 Day Fix for the first time

OMG can't believe spring season is right around the corner! I'm doing 21 Day Fix to drop my vanity pounds. 15 lbs in 21 days I'm game. Has anyone tried it yet?


  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    You can do it! I have a friend who has had great success. Add me as friend!
  • MirRee
    MirRee Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on day 13 and down 12.2 pounds!
  • DominiqueRobinson28
    DominiqueRobinson28 Posts: 107 Member
    That's is great MirRee all tips and tricks welcomed
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    So it's portion control (their color-coded boxes) and pre-programmed exercise (their DVD's).
    It appears to teach healthier eating, which is good, and portion control, which is good.
    Can you keep that program up the rest of your life, or will you go back to eating normally & gain the weight back?
    Basically, are you making a permanent life change or just going on a temporary diet?
    Dominique wrote:
    I'm doing 21 Day Fix to drop my vanity pounds. 15 lbs in 21 days I'm game.
    mirree wrote:
    I'm on day 13 and down 12.2 pounds
    Losing weight so fast is not healthy nor realistic.
    You're probably losing very little fat (or muscle, which is good that you'd maintain it), and plenty of water (which fluctuates normally several pounds in a day).
    I've lost 14 lb in the past 6 weeks, and my doctor is amazed that I could do that with so little left to lose (currently 33 lb, so 6 weeks ago would be 47).
