Half Marathon training.... Who's in??

Hey all!
I am in my first week of training for a half marathon on April 26! I know there must be others out there with similar goals. I have done one half marathon before but still have lots to learn about how to train, how to fuel and how to prepare.

Anyone else in the same boat looking for a training buddy? When is your race? Feel free to add me


  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Hey! I've got a half coming up in two weeks! But I'm just about to transition from kind of a holding pattern to a marathon plan, so I'm right there with you at the beginning of a mountain. :) Which plan are you using?
  • djscavone
    djscavone Posts: 133 Member
    My first will be May 17. I don't have a formal plan but I read up on a few (Hal Higdon). I made a log and spread sheet and basically make certain I log at least 3 miles a day and hen add a few days of 4, 6, and then an 8 where at least 8 weeks before the race I should have a good mix of distance with a "long day". Right now I am trying to build leg strength and mix in bike and elliptical as an off day.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm training for a series of 3 half marathons on April 11, 18 and May 9th.

  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    My first will be May 23, so I haven't "officially" begun training yet. I've done a couple 10-mile runs and a single 13.3 mile run, so I know I can do it. Just have to figure out things like pacing and maybe fuel options.
  • My first half marathon is 17 May. I'm nervous and excited. My goal is to finish without dying! Lol
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    My first half marathon is 3rd May, I have done a 10k and building up from there. I only started running last year and am not particularly fast, but I am determined!
  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    edited January 2015
    Training for my fourth half. Done 3 10 milers too. What I really want to do is commit to a full. For now I'm just happy to have committed to a half. Its in May.
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    My first is March 29! Ran a 15K sort of off the cuff last weekend and it went well, so I'm feeling good. I'm using Hal Higdon's Intermediate plan.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I'm training for my second half that is on March 15th. I'm on week 3 of my training plan. I haven't missed a day yet! I just want the weather to warm up and to stay lighter later so I can do more running outside. Right now only my long run on Sundays is outside.

    Feel free to add me! I need all the motivation and accountability I can get :)
  • Hi! I'm taking it very slow because I still have a lot of weight (50 lbs) to lose, but I've signed up for my first 5K in years on March 7, and my first half marathon will be in January 2016. Best of luck to you!
  • mahaneca
    mahaneca Posts: 11 Member
    I'm training for a half on May 3rd. I did one two years ago but didn't do the full training plan so I ended up walking some. This time, I'm training with a group from our local running store so I will have more accountability. I did my first outdoors run of the year last weekend and it was 10 degrees, brrr. Today was at least 30 degrees when we went out!
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    Signed up for April 1. Doing Hal Higdon as well...but modifying it a bit coming off an injury. Missing a 15k that I was supposed to do in early February.

    After taking the better part of a month off (with some occasional runs sprinkled in), I feel like the base I had isn't as good as it was in November.
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    I'm doing my first half May 17th too! Wow a lot for that date in here! Everyone add me who wants, I love running friends. I'm following a basic running plan from RunKeeper, but add additional runs also. I also have a race every month planned, 5k done this month, 10k next month, then a 5 miler March, and 10 miler April.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    June 6th for me. I'll add you. It's cold right now, but will hit it hard when it warms up a little.
  • rrcoffey
    rrcoffey Posts: 72 Member
    My first half marathon is 17 May. I'm nervous and excited. My goal is to finish without dying! Lol

    This is me, too - LOL! I'm adding a half mile to my long run each week, loosely following Hal Higdon's plan. I'm training on a dreadmill for now (the cold isn't a problem, but I'm not confident in the road conditions) and hope to get outside for at least my long runs by mid-February.

    I'd love some new running friends :)
  • simonwarren777
    simonwarren777 Posts: 19 Member
    I could use some running friends for motivation.
    Registered for 4 10k's, a 15k and 2 halfs this year in the hope I can make running stick for good this time.
    First 10k of the year is Jan 31st (did one on New Years Eve as well), but the halfs don't start until the fall.

    Running almost exclusively outside, which is chilly in Canada in January, -28C with the wind yesterday.
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    rrcoffey wrote: »
    My first half marathon is 17 May. I'm nervous and excited. My goal is to finish without dying! Lol

    This is me, too - LOL! I'm adding a half mile to my long run each week, loosely following Hal Higdon's plan. I'm training on a dreadmill for now (the cold isn't a problem, but I'm not confident in the road conditions) and hope to get outside for at least my long runs by mid-February.

    I'd love some new running friends :)

    I'm planning a half on June 21 and have just started pre-conditioning training using the Asics Run app. Week one done. Did 5 miles in freezing cold today. Looking forward to warmer weather! Good luck all!
  • kayna1225
    kayna1225 Posts: 53 Member
    My first is april 26!! I can consistently run between 3-5 miles so I started with 2-3 miles 2xa week and 2 strength training days and Saturday my long run...trying to add distance every week. As long as I finish ill be happy! Good luck everyone!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    My first half ever will be May 9th, doing my own thing until Feb when Ill start Higdon's plan, but already running about the week 5 schedule. So, if I keep increasing my weekly miles I may end up not following, just using the guidelines. Excited, a tad nervous but pretty confident. Also cold here, 16F when I did 7.25 yesterday, I wont run much below that... so if we get a long cold snap, it will be cross training on the elliptical as I hate the treadmill. Many factors, plenty of time... we shall see!
  • sazrina
    sazrina Posts: 99 Member
    I'm doing my 3rd on 10th May and I've just started training. I feel like I'm starting from scratch as for various reasons I haven't done a decent run since November. I found Hal Higdon's plan really good last time
  • catpea33
    catpea33 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm doing my first half on June 8th in Niagara. Right now I'm doing Insanity because of all the snow and ice outside; I don't want to pay for gym membership just to use a treadmill since I have loads of weights and stuff at home. Insanity will be finished in early to mid March and then I'll hopefully be taking the running outside. It's my first attempt at a half. My other races have all been 5k in length, although I used to run 10k just in training. I'm not bothered about time either, although it would be nice to come in quicker than 2h30m, because for a first time, finishing is my only goal.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    I am not currently following a plan as such, but I am trying to add half a mile to my long run each week and I do the Parkrun every week.
  • HugeBum
    HugeBum Posts: 47 Member
    I am doing my first half marathon on 31st May, I'm so excited. Feel free to add me anyone on here! I haven't started a proper training schedule, I'm hoping to get into a good plan this week- run 3x week, HIIT/fartlek 2x week and strength training 2x week, and a rest day 1x week where I do plenty of stretching and foam rolling. That's the plan anyway!
  • maxphia32
    maxphia32 Posts: 99 Member
    Doing my first half July 18th, very nervous as my first 10k will be June 13th. Otherwise I am all about the 5k's. Anyone feel free to add me, would love the motivation and support.
  • Hi! I've got at least two half marathons this year. My first is on. Feb 28 in Vegas. I'm pretty excited!

  • BrendaS03
    BrendaS03 Posts: 92 Member
    edited January 2015
    Love connecting with people with similar goals
  • BrendaS03
    BrendaS03 Posts: 92 Member
    Happy training everyone!!!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I'm running a half June 8th, I did my first one last year in June and this is only my second...and my running has been extremely sporadic so I need to get serious about it!
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    hi! Brenda I love this thread! you should start a group so we all can share there :-)

    I started running about a year ago....if you would have told me I would start running and love it I would of laughed in your face (probably while drinking chardonnay!) haha anyway I took December totally off and started the Hal Higdon novice half training. Just starting week 3 today. My first half is on April 12th ( here in south Denver) we've had ok weather so luckily I've been outside recently

    question?? what do you guys do for your cross training?? I usually just find myself walking or light weights....but nothing consistent. so I'm looking for ideas. I do have to be a little conservative in what I do only because I am a full time massage therapist so I use a tremendous amount of energy doing that most days of the week (5-6/day)

    ps. yesterday I took my son for his first run with mom!!! he's almost 13 and will be doing the Bolder Boulder with us on Memorial Day. I was very proud <3

    feel free to friend me!

  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Ridiculous distance. I hear running strips your muscles down and uses them for food.