Hey From New Zealand

Hey all im Chris, been using my fitness pal for about 2 weeks now and love it, awsome way to keep on track, would love to meet some more people on here aswell and help give back the motivation that everyone who has added me is throwing at me, its awsome, well good luck to everyone and keep kicking *kitten*!!

Kind Regards


  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is a wonderful site. People are very supportive. I wish you well on your journey. Please feel free to add me.
  • Fdny343
    Fdny343 Posts: 2
    Hey there, I too have been on this site now for just under 3 weeks now, and it has helped me and has kept me on track!
  • loopylass85
    Hi I too am in NZ, I have been on this site now for only about 3 weeks and I have already seen results - its not magic but makes you aware of what your eating.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want xx
  • NZhogiebear
    NZhogiebear Posts: 84
    Beryl from beautiful NZ as well, been on here for a couple of months and love it, fantastic supportive people and some really great advice.

    Will send through friend request :)

    Good luck!!!!
  • Anise76
    Anise76 Posts: 57 Member
    MFP is fantastic! It's been a real help to me, and my weightloss is slow and steady since joining. Am in the UK, but feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Hiya! i'm in nz too- papakura in south auckland. i'm a jafa i'm afraid! where are you? feel free to add me if you want- anyone else can too.
  • chickielou
    chickielou Posts: 47
    Im a kiwi too and have just started tracking. I started on Monday. Im liking that I am a little bit more accountable for what goes into my mouth. Its a very easy site to use. And I love the options for food choices too. For a non NZ site there are lots of NZ products to choose from. I try and plan what I am going to eat in a day to see if it comes in under calories and work my snacks in around what i have left. Not sure how my first weekend will go though, with mothers day.......but its my first week so wont be too hard on myself.

    One ask though, can we have Zumba added as an exercise? I know a few people that would like to have it added too, its a big thing over here, and I assume its still pretty big in other countries.

    Oh and who hates the fact that the scales go up before the go down due to the muscle tone from exercise?? Ive been walking a bit carroty this week, my poor thighs are used to squats....lol
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Welcome Mister New Zealander!! This site is really quite incredible. You'll never find a network of more supportive people anywhere else!
  • nursekj
    nursekj Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Chris it's a great site aye! Beats diet programs now we have more $ for petrol lol i'm karlee from up north losing weight over last 5 weeks so I'm really enjoying mfp. Good luck and add me if you'd like, cheers
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Welcome back Chris. I friended you when you were here a year ago! Welcome back to the mfp fold. Feel free to friend me if you like:-)