Daily Calorie Goal Vs. Exercise


Bit of a newbie question, but was wondering if anyone can shed light on this for me, as I'm just getting myself confused.

Let's say I was taking 2000 Calories a day, so in order to shed those pounds I dropped 500 a day so my Daily Calorie Goal is now 1500.

Coupled with the diet, I also want to start exercising more.
The problem I struggling to get my head around is, if I eat my 1500 Calories exactly and then lose a further 500 calories through exercise (now meaning I've dropped 1000 a day, instead of 500) should I "re-eat" those 500 calories I've lost during exercise; ie. Do I want to stay around my daily calorie goal, regardless of exercise? Possibly in order to keep energy levels up.

The only thing i'm concerned about is I'm dropping my calorie intake rather dramatically and then if I'm losing even more through exercise (possibly too much to be healthy) and I'm worried it'll either knock me for 6, or simply have no effect.

Any help shedding some light on this would be great!



  • Erica1965
    Erica1965 Posts: 36
    I'm new and I had the same question! Thanks for asking it.
  • rachna29
    rachna29 Posts: 5 Member
    I had the same question! Thanks for asking it.
  • ive only been doing this a few weeks, but from what i understand, yes, if you exercise, you are supposed to eat those calories too..i HATE exercising and b/c of back and knee problems, it is hard for me to do, so I dont. In the 3 weeks I've been on this program, without exercising, I've dropped 10 pounds...i didnt see the point in exercising and gaining more calories, when the 1300 i had was enough for me. Im thinking its more if you wanna eat more...at least thats what ive figured out, ....i could be wrong, but this is how a few ppl have explained it to me..hope this helps...
  • bakersduzin
    bakersduzin Posts: 60 Member
    If you're already figuring a 500 calorie deficit (so for you, instead of eating 2000 calories you eat 1500), and then you exercise and burn another 500, then yes, you want to eat your exercise calories back. Otherwise, like you mentioned, there would be a 1000 calorie deficit, which might not be such a good thing (you might put yourself into starvation mode and therefore not shed any weight). Let me know if you have any more questions! I hope this helped!
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    Heres my take on it, and it seems to work. Your body functions correctly at, lets say 1500 cals. If you want to lose weight you need to reduce that amount. If you do do 500 cals of excercise, your net calorie intake it therefore 1000. This will result in the body holding on to calories (starvation mode). A bit like you taking your foot off the gas pedal when you see you dont have much gas left in the tank. I try to work on keeping a net calorie intake of 10% under my goal. Mine is 1350, so my weight losing intake, including excercise and extra food is 1215. I never let it go below a net value of 1000. Hope this helps, and welcome to MFP, its help me and I love it!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Each person is different, some people eat back their workout calories and lose, others don't eat them back and still lose. There are many different opinions on the matter. You have to play around with it and see what works out for you.

    I personally don't eat back my workout calories. My daily calorie intake is set at 1400, and I try to stick to that only.

  • msibilla1
    msibilla1 Posts: 18
    Hello all, I have been bein using MFP for about 2 months now and I love it. this app on my phone helps me stay motivated and stay within in my calories. my daily goal is 1450 and i go to gym 6 days a week and burn about 700-900 calories a day doing lots of cardio and still I only eat around my 1400 calories and i have averaged 2-3.5lbs a weeks so there fore i have lost 20lb so far.

    Good Luck Everyone!

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    You need to allow MFP to work out your calorie goal for you.

    The most important factor is to set your activity level correctly:

    - if you do a bit of walking (2 mioles or less) each day, then set it to lightly active
    - if you do a lot (3 miles or more) of walking, then set it to active

    From that MFP will set your calorie goal, and you should eat your NET calories.

    If your goal is set to 1300, and you burn 450 through exercise - which then leaves 850 calories

    Then you will need to eat back 450 calories to get your NET calories back to 1300.
  • scsbjr
    scsbjr Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks for all the advice! As I suspected, it seems somewhat down to seeing what works for each individual so I'll give it a go and see where I get :)

    Thanks again!
  • Hi,
    If naturally you burn 1800 a day (like me) then only consume your goal of 1200 you will lose weight. if you exercise and burn a further 500 MFP will tell you that you have 500 calories left.... you don't have to eat them, this will count towards further weight loss.
    I have seen posts on here saying "I eat 1800 and burn 1800 but am not losing weight" you wont, you need to consume less than you burn.
    With this method I have lost 21lbs (1 and 1/2 stone) in 7 weeks.
    Good luck, gc
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    ive only been doing this a few weeks, but from what i understand, yes, if you exercise, you are supposed to eat those calories too..i HATE exercising and b/c of back and knee problems, it is hard for me to do, so I dont. In the 3 weeks I've been on this program, without exercising, I've dropped 10 pounds...i didnt see the point in exercising and gaining more calories, when the 1300 i had was enough for me. Im thinking its more if you wanna eat more...at least thats what ive figured out, ....i could be wrong, but this is how a few ppl have explained it to me..hope this helps...

    If you don't exercise you can lose weight if you stick with your deficit but eventually you may stop losing and start gaining from the experiences I've heard of. Also losing weight without any exercise will make you skinny fat. Most people want to have some tightness about them. Just a little F.Y.I.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hello all, I have been bein using MFP for about 2 months now and I love it. this app on my phone helps me stay motivated and stay within in my calories. my daily goal is 1450 and i go to gym 6 days a week and burn about 700-900 calories a day doing lots of cardio and still I only eat around my 1400 calories and i have averaged 2-3.5lbs a weeks so there fore i have lost 20lb so far.

    Good Luck Everyone!


    Just make sure you are strength training and getting your lean protein in. 3.5 lbs a week is a little high. On the average you don't want to lose more than 2 lbs a week after your water weight loss in the beginning. I've heard from several doctors that you can go as high as 3lbs, but it puts you at a level that you could be losing more lean muscle than fat which is not what you would want to do. Strength training and getting in your lean protein can protect your muscles.