Need diet buddy - 100 lbs to lose!

Hi, I'm an introvert who badly wants/needs a diet buddy to talk to, brainstorm with and encourage each other for long term weight loss.


  • jjbraun2
    jjbraun2 Posts: 8 Member
    Me too! I'm at the most I've ever weighed and I'm looking to lose about 90 lbs!
  • shans34
    shans34 Posts: 535 Member
    I have to lose about 100lbs or more also. I will help support you. Add me.
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    Hi, I also have 100lbs to lose and also looking for support and conversation. It seems like alot but if we break it up into smaller goals we can do this :)
  • Wow i have not looked at this part before. I just want to share that i have lost 100 pounds. And you can do it. It took me just over a year. but i feel great GOOD LUCK!!!!! i have to say it feels good to shop were ever i want. Oh and the big news is in may i kept it off for a year!
  • ichagirl
    ichagirl Posts: 5 Member
    I have a bit more than 100 pounds to lose but I would be happy to have/be a weight loss buddy! I know I need all the support I can get and that I stick with it longer when I am helping someone too.
  • helengetshealthy
    helengetshealthy Posts: 171 Member
    Okay, I'm adding all of you who have got the same goals on here! I'm in the same boat, let's do this :D
  • michanda2015
    michanda2015 Posts: 30 Member
    edited January 2015
    I would love to be a weight loss buddy. I have 80 pounds to loose, and being in my 40's, I think its going to be harder. I need motivational support. We can do this!!!
  • Jen_1964
    Jen_1964 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Everyone! I also have over 100 pounds to lose and could always use additional support and encouragement. I have been at this for 167 days and have taken off 40 pounds so far. Would love to help others along the way with some new friends. Will add you all. We can do this.
  • I am also needing to lose 100 pounds, well more than 100. Also, looking for pals to add. I had a few Facebook friends who are on here but none of them seem to be active on this site. So, please add me. My initial goal is currently set at 50 pounds to lose but I plan on doing it 50 at a time so I do not get discouraged.
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    Short term I'd like to lose 30lbs to get me out of the 200s, and then next goal to get to 140-160. Just depends. I want to do it healthy and lasting. I'm 52. I'll support you!
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    I just joined a few days ago, and want to lose 30-40 lbs - I would love to be added so that we can support each other to our new healthy selves! Happy Sunday!
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me too - I'm happy to support other members and have about 100 pounds to lose as well!
  • lisahulsizer
    lisahulsizer Posts: 31 Member
    Add me! I am currently 30 pounds down with about 100 more to go! Let's support one another!! :)
  • nancyhfuller
    nancyhfuller Posts: 25 Member
    I am 53 and also have 100 lb. to lose. You are not alone. Here is my story. ....This is a recent post from Facebook..I have many family supporters and friends there too. But none of them have my problem so I hope the MFP helps me. Anyway, here it is......Going for the gusto here. Whatever that is. For the first time ever, Ron (my husband)and I planned our meals for the next whole month. First of all, I hate asking him to stop on his way home from work to pick up something we need for dinner. Second of all, I am required to do the wellness program at work or pay a higher premium for insurance coverage. I like to be prepared so I have planed 31 healthy meals, low in carbs, high in fiber and protein. The first required wellness class is on the 13th. The class also requires 150 minutes a week of exercise and of course weight loss. It's not like I don't need it, I do. Lucky for me, Ron wants to follow along and lose weight too. This is a year long commitment, so it is not like I can fail. I have to do it. Please help me in this journey. I may even post pictures here and there. Let the countdown begin. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can........SOOO I am 2 weeks in and around 10 pounds down. I have found that the calendar with a months worth of menu's is a big help. One stress I don't need:) Also, I purged my whole house of anything with sugar. I consider sugar a poison. Best of all I feel better. Add me as a friend. We need each other... Anyone else who wants to add me for the same reasons, please do!!
  • Hi, I'm an introvert who badly wants/needs a diet buddy to talk to, brainstorm with and encourage each other for long term weight loss.

  • Hi , I'm Linda. I too am looking for support in losing weight. My starting goal is 30 lbs but ultimately I would like to lose 60 lbs. I would love to be a part of this support group. Please add me as a friend.
  • mdro2013
    mdro2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, good morning, everyone! Piney, I have to wonder if, when you posted this last night, you thought you'd get such a great response :smiley: I too am somewhat of an introvert, and I also have roughly 100 lbs to get rid of. (I hate to say lose because that makes it sound like I'll look for them later. Trust me, I won't!) I would love, love, love to be part of this group. Count me in! I've never tried to add friends on MFP, but I'm going to try to figure it out. Don't be surprised if you get an invite from me ;)
  • Feel free to add me! I'm looking for MFP friends too :)

    (I've got about 44 pounds to lose but on a short gal like me that's a lot to shed!)

    Happy Sunday!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I have 99lbs to lose ...Feel free to add me :) Wishing everyone much success
  • DrJackson6
    DrJackson6 Posts: 156 Member
    I am a introvert also. I actually like being the quiet observer as we see and notice so many more things. Feel free to add me.