no alcohol



  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I am going to try to have a little as possible over next 2 months since i'm going for getting ripped, but after that. It's on
  • Ang5669
    Ang5669 Posts: 14 Member
    stevegri wrote: »
    Being a confirmed and committed alcoholic I'm finding not drinking more difficult than any other sacrifice. But, it is helping with the weight loss. I'm just bored shitless sat at home

    You know, instead of being at home on a Saturday night, you can go out and not drink.

    Spoken like a non-alcoholic.

    I so agree, most of my friends/family are drinkers....its hard to get used to socializing without it so sometimes its better to stay home.
  • robbypink
    robbypink Posts: 42 Member
    I would rather use my calories on food than alchol a cocktail b/c I just started my new healthy lifestyle plan and need it to jump start. That being said I plan on having a cocktail when there is an occassion to have one (like my birthday approaching in a few days). Perhaps you should give yourself permission to have a drink and put it into you food journal so you can see how many calories, carbs, sugars etc it is costing you. It's hard to go cold turkey so maybe an occassional drink won't seem so harsh. Good Luck!
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    [quote=My sister is a recovering alcoholic, six years sober. She does comedy shows at bars on a regular basis and just orders Coke. (That said, I won't assume that because it's easy for her, it's equally easy for every other recovering alcoholic - I'm only saying it's *possible*). On the flip side, my father-in-law is also recovering. He used to do a lot of DJ work or music stuff or something at bars, and he won't do them anymore because he doesn't know whether he can resist the temptation, and he doesn't like the environment anymore anyway. Everyone just has to figure out what works for them.

    My fingers got the best of me on that one, I admit. I suppose it slightly irked me because stevegri seemed to be saying giving up alcohol was still a struggle/one day at a time thing. And the following comment of go out and not drink seemed very insincere based on my interpretation of said difficulties being sober. As a person that struggled with alcohol, it is really difficult for me to go out to a place that serves alcohol and not drink, so my weekends are filled with Panera trips instead :P The adjustment is a real struggle, but I too realize everyone is different. I think I jumped the gun with my judgeypants though.


    Nah, I think you were completely justified in your reaction. I wasn't judging at all, I was just adding my first thought on the topic. Even an alcoholic who can successfully go out to bars and socialize without relapsing wouldn't be likely to tell another alcoholic who avoids going out for fear of relapsing, "Just go out and don't drink."
  • jdbrrw
    jdbrrw Posts: 16 Member
    I'm also in recovery and haven't had a drink in nine months. I feel great! The mental and physical effects are so worth it for me. That being said, I realize abstinence is not for everyone :smile:
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    After age 22, I really haven't drank much. I drank for the first time this NYE for the first time in two years. Didn't miss it, probably won't do it again for another couple of years.

  • I am doing the same thing. I find the wine is just extra calories and then makes me lax on sticking to my goals. I am not having any until my 50 bday in March. What day?[/quote]

    The 6th - I nearly cracked last night, but managed to stop myself
  • robbypink wrote: »
    I would rather use my calories on food than alchol a cocktail b/c I just started my new healthy lifestyle plan and need it to jump start. That being said I plan on having a cocktail when there is an occassion to have one (like my birthday approaching in a few days). Perhaps you should give yourself permission to have a drink and put it into you food journal so you can see how many calories, carbs, sugars etc it is costing you. It's hard to go cold turkey so maybe an occassional drink won't seem so harsh. Good Luck!

    I'll definitely put it in my diary when I have a drink - I know the carbs off by heart in wine and bottled lager. I'm quite sad! Ha!
  • I can actually go for long periods without it, but I can also jump right back in any time and drink most people right under the table on a good night if I'm having fun. Once I fall over though, there's no getting back up until the next day. I lie wherever I fall until then, unless someone is kind enough to place me somewhere more comfortable.

    A bit like myself then!!
  • TheCounselorx
    TheCounselorx Posts: 1,182 Member
    I've been dry for 16 days now too, its been pretty easy for me because I haven't been out to a bar at all in that time. The good news for me is.... I reckon I'm not an alcoholic because I haven't craved it all .... the bad news is that, it confirms that I have zero self control and that would say yes to anything that anybody asks me..... which of course gets me into a whole lot of other types of bother! ahem ahem...
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    I'm not sure if you have a Trader Joe's near you, but if you do, look for their sparkling grape juice. It is made with Chardonnay grapes, is non alcoholic and actually tastes really good. The sugar content is high, but if you limit yourself to 4-8oz in a fancy glass you will get that "feeling". Good luck and happy early bday!
  • I'm not sure if you have a Trader Joe's near you, but if you do, look for their sparkling grape juice. It is made with Chardonnay grapes, is non alcoholic and actually tastes really good. The sugar content is high, but if you limit yourself to 4-8oz in a fancy glass you will get that "feeling". Good luck and happy early bday!

    Thanku! And there's no Trader Joes over here - I live in England, but a good enough excuse to visit America! I'll tell my husband I'm popping to the shop, he doesn't need to know which one!!!
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    I drank on my 21st b-day way back when...Twenty plus years since then. No interest in it.
  • Becka4Real
    Becka4Real Posts: 1,527 Member
    I plan wine calories into my day at least once a week. If I never get to eat/drink things that I want I go crazy and binge. I'd rather have one glass of wine and no snack that day then just be wanting it all the time.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I used to have a couple of cocktails every night after work. I haven't had a drink for 18 days and can say I don't really miss it. I would calculate it into my calories every night, but when I stopped drinking, I realized how many empty calories I was drinking away and finally figured out why I was so hungry first thing every morning. I'm not hungry anymore and have lost 5 lbs so far.
  • leeloo54
    leeloo54 Posts: 112
    Wow. I had no idea so many people struggle to give up alcohol. I stopped because of a medication interaction many years ago, and now I just find no interest in drinking. It makes me feel like crap! But this is a very alcoholic world so you get treated like a freak or a religious prude when you say "no thanks, I don't drink. But I would love a ___ instead!"...
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited January 2015
    stevegri wrote: »
    Being a confirmed and committed alcoholic I'm finding not drinking more difficult than any other sacrifice. But, it is helping with the weight loss. I'm just bored shitless sat at home

    You know, instead of being at home on a Saturday night, you can go out and not drink.

    Spoken like a non-alcoholic.

    A person truly incapable of going out and having a good time without imbibing alcohol has something legitimately wrong with them.

    -Spoken like a person who used to drink quite heavily, then chose to stop cold turkey and haven't had a drop in five years. I still go out and have fun.
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    stevegri wrote: »
    Being a confirmed and committed alcoholic I'm finding not drinking more difficult than any other sacrifice. But, it is helping with the weight loss. I'm just bored shitless sat at home

    You know, instead of being at home on a Saturday night, you can go out and not drink.

    Spoken like a non-alcoholic.

    A person truly incapable of going out and having a good time without imbibing alcohol has something legitimately wrong with them.

    -Spoken like a person who used to drink quite heavily, then chose to stop cold turkey and haven't had a drop in five years. I still go out and have fun.

    sooooooo, you used to have something wrong with you?

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    _Figgzie_ wrote: »
    stevegri wrote: »
    Being a confirmed and committed alcoholic I'm finding not drinking more difficult than any other sacrifice. But, it is helping with the weight loss. I'm just bored shitless sat at home

    You know, instead of being at home on a Saturday night, you can go out and not drink.

    Spoken like a non-alcoholic.

    A person truly incapable of going out and having a good time without imbibing alcohol has something legitimately wrong with them.

    -Spoken like a person who used to drink quite heavily, then chose to stop cold turkey and haven't had a drop in five years. I still go out and have fun.

    sooooooo, you used to have something wrong with you?

    Lol, I had PLENTY wrong with me. But I didn't say I couldn't have fun without it. That was never the case with me, luckily.
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    _Figgzie_ wrote: »
    stevegri wrote: »
    Being a confirmed and committed alcoholic I'm finding not drinking more difficult than any other sacrifice. But, it is helping with the weight loss. I'm just bored shitless sat at home

    You know, instead of being at home on a Saturday night, you can go out and not drink.

    Spoken like a non-alcoholic.

    A person truly incapable of going out and having a good time without imbibing alcohol has something legitimately wrong with them.

    -Spoken like a person who used to drink quite heavily, then chose to stop cold turkey and haven't had a drop in five years. I still go out and have fun.

    sooooooo, you used to have something wrong with you?

    Lol, I had PLENTY wrong with me. But I didn't say I couldn't have fun without it. That was never the case with me, luckily.

    well, it looks like you righted the look amazing