where from first???

when you start to lose weight noticibly where does it go from first?? mine goes from my face first, thank god!! :) then my boobs :(


  • mrsnorman
    mrsnorman Posts: 45
    my waist, but i look really silly atm!
    bust is 46in
    waist 34 in
    and hips 44ins!
    i look stuuuupid!lol
    would LOVE to lose from my thunder thighs for once!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I slimmed down in my face first.

    Then my arms (weird, huh?) and my back fat

    Then it finally started burning it on my belly and hips.

    My thighs are big, but they're all muscle from running. Darn genetics. No flab -- so no jiggling, but they aren't small that's for sure.
  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    46-34-44 sounds like a 60s model!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    46-34-44 sounds like a 60s model!

    I'm not seeing a problem here either! Rejoice in your curves!
  • raefost
    raefost Posts: 31 Member
    Hi just joined properly, previously lost from bum first which is a pain as in the general scheme of my over weight body is the least of my problems. Need to loose belly fat and loads of it, would also love to loose a few chins too! hopefully with some effort on my part this time something will go.
  • thedons
    thedons Posts: 41
    i noticed it in the sides of my pants & my waist. other people said it showed in my face. i also noticed it in my fingers. i could finally remove my rings without a struggle. my arms are the worst though, they have become pretty saggy but i dont do weights which i know would make a big difference.
  • mrsnorman
    mrsnorman Posts: 45
    its a royal pain buying top and jeans, nearly impossible, nothing fits like it should! would rather look like a 2000 model at least i could buy anything i wanted!l;ol
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    Tends to come off my legs first, wish it would come off my belly though!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    my chest. it sucks :mad:
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Annoyingly I seem to have lost weight from my hips so I now look like I have no shape as my waist is hasn't lost anything. :(
  • nicoleburk
    nicoleburk Posts: 10
    I would love for my boobs to shrink, DD's hurt your back and look horrible in most tops...most tops are made for no boob girls...
  • mrsnorman
    mrsnorman Posts: 45
    as a g cup girl i soooo hear ya! i get so fed up with people saying 'oh lucky you' i dont think so!lol when i go shopping for tops i have 2 choices, wear a top in a size that fits my boobs and makes me look MASSIVE or wear something that fits my waist but looks like im trying to poke peoples eyes out, cue evil stares from women and looks from men that make my skin crawl. :(
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    as a g cup girl i soooo hear ya! i get so fed up with people saying 'oh lucky you' i dont think so!lol when i go shopping for tops i have 2 choices, wear a top in a size that fits my boobs and makes me look MASSIVE or wear something that fits my waist but looks like im trying to poke peoples eyes out, cue evil stares from women and looks from men that make my skin crawl. :(

    Have you tried Bravissimo? Their stuff is designed for amply-endowed ladies. Vintage styling is perfect for your shape too - although admittedly, it might not be your thing.
  • mrsnorman
    mrsnorman Posts: 45
    as a g cup girl i soooo hear ya! i get so fed up with people saying 'oh lucky you' i dont think so!lol when i go shopping for tops i have 2 choices, wear a top in a size that fits my boobs and makes me look MASSIVE or wear something that fits my waist but looks like im trying to poke peoples eyes out, cue evil stares from women and looks from men that make my skin crawl. :(

    Have you tried Bravissimo? Their stuff is designed for amply-endowed ladies. Vintage styling is perfect for your shape too - although admittedly, it might not be your thing.

    oooo! thanks for that, i used to try them but they never had anything i liked but it looks like they've brought out a new range called 'pepperberry', cheers!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I lose from top to bottom. My face, shoulders, chest, waist....then hips and thighs

    My boobs shrunk and deflated BLAH!! I was a DDD, now I'm a D. That part is good but I need a bicycle pump :grumble:
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Face, waist and legs first. Which is good, but I would really like to lose it in my lower abdomen. You know, the area they call "the apron".
  • mrsnorman
    mrsnorman Posts: 45
    do you do anything that 'TARGETS' weight loss at the legs? mine wont shift!lol