
I started exercising from November 2013 and had an original weight of 203 pounds ;now I weigh 175 pounds but it ain't moving no matter how hard I try.My goal weight is 143 pounds.
Am so discouraged right now because I weighed myself and there is no change in 2 weeks.I feel like giving up all together.This is so hard:-( :-(


  • AshleyJW31
    AshleyJW31 Posts: 26 Member
    Don't give up! It is very hard. I've recently started a work out program and thought I would lose weight fast with combination of my diet but I've got a long way to go! maybe try a new meal plan and drinks tons of water! good luck :)
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    What have you been doing differently in the past couple of weeks? If you are not just venting and want some advice you should open up your food diary and tell a little more about you...do you exercise, if so, how much? What daily allowance did MFP allocate you and how many do you use? Do you eat back exercise calories?
  • ChefKatana
    ChefKatana Posts: 13 Member
    Perhaps try eating different food, give your diet a bit of a shuffle. A lot of the time we eat the same food because we get to know what we can eat within our calorie allowance. Maybe switching things around a bit will kick start your body again? Also try upping your liquid intake, maybe you need more hydration?
  • strive58
    Please don't give up. I have a similar story, I started on a journey in October 2013 and have become very active and fit. I have only lost 20 pounds and I have worked really, really hard at food and fitness. My weight stopped moving completely 3 months ago until today (after 2 weeks logging food). I was frustrated but kept telling myself that it would start going down again and that there was something I needed to change. I hope I am on track now but I will never give up. Good health is vital for all of us. You are WORTH it, just look for small changes, different activities and just wait it out. It will pass if you are putting in the effort.
    Feel free to add me and we can knock this out of the park.
  • megantoth014
    megantoth014 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't give up! It's hard but you will get through it. If it was easy then it wouldn't be worth it.
    Maybe try changing your workout routine and add in some new exercises. Keep your body guessing.
  • mommyof2boys562
    Have those 28 pounds that you lost not made you feel better? Have you felt a difference in how your clothes feel, how you sleep, your activity level, your energy level? Have those 28 pounds made any impact on you at all after losing them? I'm going to guess they have...appreciate what you have lost. Don't give up and just gain it all back. Do you really want to be 203 or 204 or maybe 210? Because if you give up now and walk away feeling defeated and depressed about not seeing the scale move for 2 weeks then chances are you will gain that weight back plus some. DO YOU WANT TO BE WHERE YOU WERE WHEN YOU DECIDED TO LOSE THE WEIGHT?

    I'm going to guess your answer is no. Stop feeling discouraged, depressed or upset that the scale hasn't moved. That means you haven't gained weight in 2 weeks either so jump for joy. Look at your eating...have you been eating healthy, low sodium, no junk foods or have you been eating out, snacking, going over your calories or have you NOT been eating enough food thinking that the less food you eat the faster the weight will drop? Have you been drinking water? Have you switched up your exercise routine? Have you been weight training?

    Look at your the allowed calories MFP gives you, and in your exercise calories and eat the calories...keep a 100-200 deficient but that's eat. Drink water and then drink more especially if your eating out or snacking on unhealthy foods. Change your exercise routine. If you always do the treadmill( or whatever is your exercise of choice) your body gets use to that...you have to surprise your body. Do a higher incline, speed it up, try a different machine, add in weight training, take a class...do something, anything that will make your body UNCOMFORTABLE. Yes, uncomfortable. If your comfortable then your body is use to it.

    Most important advice is Don't lie to yourself about what you are and aren't doing...take a honest look at yourself...can you exercise more or differently, can you eat better, can you cut something out, are you recording every thing that you put in your mouth.

    Stop worrying about what the scale says and appreciate what you have done so far...if your doing what your suppose to and your being honest with your self then the weight will drop, when it wants to...it's all about patience and just enjoying the moment your in not focusing on the number you think the scale should say....

    Keep your head up...