counting calories DOES work!!!

I'm quite fortunate that i haven't got much weight I want to lose. I'm just trying to shift a few pounds from Christmas and make an effort for my 40th in march. I think it's actually harder to lose those last few pounds and I've found that counting your calories definitely works! I've lost 4lb in 2 weeks by sticking to my calorie allowance and doing a little bit of exercise. If I can do it, I'm sure most of you can. But you need to have discipline. Rome wasn't built in a day and your weight didn't appear overnight, so it's going to take time. Set yourself achievable goals or you'll be disheartened if you don't reach them. YOU are in control of what you eat. By counting your calories you can still eat chocolate etc, just don't lie when adding your daily food diary as you're only lying to yourself. If you really want to succeed, then you will xxx


  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm right here with you! Every time I see a loss on the scale, I think, "whoa! It really does work!" I didn't think it would then I gotst started over 40 pounds ago!
  • greyzie123
    I'm right here with you! Every time I see a loss on the scale, I think, "whoa! It really does work!" I didn't think it would then I gotst started over 40 pounds ago!

    That's amazing! Well done!