Eating later in the night question?

So when I work I dont get off until 6pm..go home workout then eat dinner by like 730 pm and in bed by it bad to eat that late before bed? I have heard yes and no...anyones experiences? and should you eat after workouts or before?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Why would it be? Eat what you want, when you want. If you're trying to lose, stay in a calorie deficit. The only reason I can see not to eat close to bed time, is it might be harder to fall asleep. I eat within the hour of falling asleep and have lost 25 pounds.
  • Kristina661
    Kristina661 Posts: 32 Member
    thats what I thought...but diff people say diff things you know how that is
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Hey Kristina! great job getting your workouts in after such a long day! thats a huge achievement by itself! When it comes to eating late at night it mostly depends on the person but the majority of people it is perfectly fine, also if you eat at 730 and go to sleep at 9 that is still plenty of time in between sleep and eating so no need to worry there, as for eatinng before/after your workouts it can be pretty complicated if you look into it too much but the general rule of thumb is you dont want to eat 2 hours before your workout, and you want to eat within 1 hour after your workout for best results. Keep kicking butt! 2015 is going to be a good year
  • clg1241
    clg1241 Posts: 41 Member
    Calories are calories, no mater when you eat them.
  • Kristina661
    Kristina661 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Kristina! great job getting your workouts in after such a long day! thats a huge achievement by itself! When it comes to eating late at night it mostly depends on the person but the majority of people it is perfectly fine, also if you eat at 730 and go to sleep at 9 that is still plenty of time in between sleep and eating so no need to worry there, as for eatinng before/after your workouts it can be pretty complicated if you look into it too much but the general rule of thumb is you dont want to eat 2 hours before your workout, and you want to eat within 1 hour after your workout for best results. Keep kicking butt! 2015 is going to be a good year

    thanks :smiley:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    thats what I thought...but diff people say diff things you know how that is

    Yeah, I do know. Now that I've been on this site for awhile and have done more research, I find that there are so many myths out there.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Meal time has no effect on weight loss.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    The only problem with eating a main meal shortly before going to bed is your personal comfort. Some find it difficult to sleep on a full stomach and some find that laying down about two hours after eating a large meal causes things like acid reflux. If you don't have either of those issues, don't worry about it.
  • Kristina661
    Kristina661 Posts: 32 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    thats what I thought...but diff people say diff things you know how that is

    Yeah, I do know. Now that I've been on this site for awhile and have done more research, I find that there are so many myths out there.

    and you look great and toned! what kind of workouts do you do and calories a day you intake?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    thats what I thought...but diff people say diff things you know how that is

    Yeah, I do know. Now that I've been on this site for awhile and have done more research, I find that there are so many myths out there.

    and you look great and toned! what kind of workouts do you do and calories a day you intake?

    I mainly lift. Very little cardio. I'm on a tiny deficit right now to lose .5 a week.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    The only problem you might have is acid reflux. I do, so I never eat anything after about 7 p.m. but that's because I go to bed at about 9 p.m. and I get horrible heartburn if I've eaten after that time. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. Calories are calories.
  • synostosis
    synostosis Posts: 17 Member
    This is a great question! I'm at ideal weight and at 15% body fat. Sometimes i eat late, and other times, I don't. I eat in the middle of the night on some days, too... It really depends on what my body is telling me. Your body is really THE source to ask. It's infinitely wise!