23, Mom of two looking for friends

cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Back on the wagon looking for some friends for motivation. Not much of that around here. I'm wanting to lose at least 25lbs. & also get my body toned up. Maybe we can keep motivating each other. Feel free to add me :)


  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    (This was suppose to be my actual posy but wouldn't let me post it so here it is. Srry so long)
    Hi everyone :) My name is Priscilla. I'm happily married & I'm a 23 yr old mother of two handsome boys, 5 & 2. I'm actually back again for the third time & I feel so dang disappointed in myself for stopping working out the first time. I'm doing good for the first few weeks and then I fall off the wagon. All I'm trying to lose if about 25lbs.! Like really? I see all yal success stories losing over 100 lbs and here I am can't even lose 25lbs. I don't know if it's the people around me throwing little remarks that I can't do it or just laughing at me, but I realize now I don't care what people think. Yeah it will be hard around my family because all they eat is junk and none workout whatsoever, but I came back because I want to become healthy and change my lifestyle for my kids and I. I want to be able to run around with them when they're older with their kids. I want to teach them right. All I'm asking is some new friends on here and alot of motivation and tips on eating healthy and some workouts to get my body toned up. I still have all my baby fat. And my youngest was born in 2012. I still look like I'm 4 months pregnant
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
  • tequilarose27
    tequilarose27 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! My name is Tequila. I am also a mother of two beautiful children. My daughter is almost 3 and my baby boy just turned 8 months old. I am 22 and happily married as well. Looks like we have some things in common. BC I am wanting to lose 25 to 3 lbs also!! Maybe we can help each other! I'm looking for motivation and support.

  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    My name is Megan ...I am a single mother to a beautiful 9 year old daughter ...I just returned back to MFP last Sunday after giving up completely and deleting my other account ....I would love to support you and encourage you ...Please feel free to add me :) Wishing you much success
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    That sounds great! I tried sending you a request but it wouldn't go through :neutral_face:
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks ladies I will add you all :smile:
  • becksmullaney1991
    becksmullaney1991 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi I'm Bex I have a beautiful little girl who's 19 months , I'm looking to be loosing about 1 stone , and hopefully toning up this baby belly lol :)
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there :smile: were in the same boat with the belly lol I hate it :neutral_face: Feel free to add me. We can be on this journey together. .
  • Thank you :) I only joined up yesterday :) x
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    It's still a start lol I been on and off for over a yr. Bad huh :/
  • Let's hope we can all help each other with motivation :) I'm just working out the best exercises lol
  • karrieflowers
    karrieflowers Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I'm karrie! 25yrs old. Happily married :) I am a mommy to two beautiful boys. Ages 4 and 2. Before I was pregnant with my second child I was able to lose 50lbs! And of course I gained everything back while pregnant. So I'm back to working out! Trying to get my body back! Looking for fun/motivating friends!
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    Well I'm glad we all have something in common :smile: Let's stay in touch and make the best of it. It's still January :wink:
  • naturalmorena89
    naturalmorena89 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Lily, I don't have any kids( feel sorta left out), Im am getting married after me and my fiance both finish basic training. he's either going into state corrections or the army and im in training for police ... anyway im trying to lose another 50 pounds by june :) near 50 lbs down as is it looking for friends.. add me +)
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Lily! Nice to meet you. No kids? That's great. I'm not saying it as a bad thing but you can actually give all your time to yourself. :smile: I'm pretty sure you can lose it by then. Just take it a day at a time. I'm going to add you after this msg :) Thanks for replying and looking forward to your journey. Congrats on getting married :blush: & best of luck!
  • Hi Cilla, I'm Clair. I'm 28 and have a gorgeous wee almost 3 year old son who keeps me busy. Looking for more friend to motivate/ help motivate me if you'd like to add me? :)
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    Nice to meet you Claire :smile: & yes I'm looking for the same also. I will send you a request :blush:
  • mrsautumnx
    mrsautumnx Posts: 2 Member
    Hi im michelle mother. Of one 4 yr old. Feel free to add me.
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    Im Meggin, I am a mom of 3 kids. 9yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy.
    Consistency and planning have been what has really helped me.