Been trying for years

hey guys! Been trying to lose weight for years! I've always been the fat kid and this year I'm looking forward to change that so please add me so I can have accountability partners:)


  • I keep trying to click your name to send you a request but my phone won't let me right now lol. Add me though! I've been on my fitness pal for like 2 weeks now :)
  • I too was always the "chubby kid". For years I have struggled with my weight. At one point I lost weight and was feeling really good about myself...and then I gained it all back. I love food...that is my problem. I have recently joined a gym and have been doing well at sticking to it, but I realized until I start eating healthier I will see no progress. I know what I need to do...I just have a hard time staying motivated expecially when results aren't coming as quickly as I would like. So I could use a accountability partner also :)
  • amcast93
    amcast93 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey at angelfish I keep trying to click to add u but it won't let me ! Lol
  • amcast93
    amcast93 Posts: 6 Member
    And I understand I love food too and that's my problem it's the eating healthy part that kills me I can go to the gym that's not the problem for me it's finding foods that are healthy and I can actually enjoy if u know any good recipes lmk
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    Don't confuse effort with results. Doing it takes commitment and if you're not committed, then you'll just keep trying........................then 10 years later you'll say the same thing. So create a specific program for you along with how you expect to eat, and then commit to it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Kendall2006
    Kendall2006 Posts: 124 Member
    Great advise ninerbuff. You must first be committed to lose the weight. If you are going for a quick fix, it may creep back on. Be committed to keep at it for the rest of your life. There is the biggest trophy of all.
  • amcast93
    amcast93 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you guys !! :)
  • HalfOfAsh
    HalfOfAsh Posts: 16 Member
    I too have decided to stop trying and to do! I was the fat kid in middle school and lost a lot of weight in high school with not too much difficulty. I popped out three kids in a matter of three years and always went down to a reasonable weight afterward. Unfortunately I was real sick a couple years ago and on steroids for an entire year. Between those and quitting the terrible habit of smoking I have packed on the weight again, and it is a lot more stubborn this time. I'm loving the accountability of MFP so far, (I'm only 6 days in) and I've adopted a clean eating program from a friend that I actually seem to like most of the food! It IS possible to trade out the not so good foods with good food, just have to play around a little with the good stuff! Sorry for the lengthy reply, but I know the feeling of trying and trying, so I can totally sympathize with you! You got this!
  • amcast93
    amcast93 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much for the support!! I really appreciate it and if u don't mind what is some of the foods you eat ?
  • HalfOfAsh
    HalfOfAsh Posts: 16 Member
    My food diary is open to friends, feel free to scroll through there. Simple swaps I have found helpful and surprising-I use a whole wheat and flax pita bread for sandwiches now that is quite tasty. An excellent condiment instead of mayo/mustard and whatnot is hummus! I would've thought it sounded crazy but it is super good! I've traded out peanut butter for all natural peanut butter and applesauce for organic unsweetened applesauce. I make my own granola bars now and like them even better than the store bought ones. Instead of potato chips I make my own kale chips. MY FIVE YEAR OLD likes them lol and he is mr. picky. A few simple changes and the differences can be surprising. I'm new to this too and hardly an expert, but I feel so much better than I did a month ago.
  • amcast93
    amcast93 Posts: 6 Member
    Aww thank you so much !! I appreciate it ! I love this app already ! So many positive people out there just wanting to see everyone be successful it's great!