Stay at home moms

I'm a stay at home mom of two boys, 3 & 6. How do you moms avoid temptation being home all the time? I find I eat out of boredom just because I'm home. Tips would be appreciated! :)


  • RRBww
    RRBww Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, I'm a stay at home mom of 5, ages 14-1 :)
    I find that if I workout in the morning and tank on protein rich foods right after, I manage to avoid the temptation most of the time.
    Sometimes I give in, of course, but make sure to track it.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I don't have time to be bored lol, I don't seem to stop all day, always have so much to do. When I eat I make sure it's balanced and nutrional, a few treats thrown in here and there.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    I find this too. Particularly late afternoon. I've started cooking the tea really early (like 3pm) and taking 2 hours to prepare it all, so I'm not sat around thinking about food. Plus I can make some really healthy, lovey meals from scratch in this time. I take breaks from cooking to check on my 3 year old and play with him so he doesn't feel neglected and I'll have a coffee or a tea to fill me up. Also I'm less likely to start picking at food whilst I'm cooking as I know a nice meal is on its way. The key is keeping busy!
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    I just recently bought myself a nice big planner with 15 minute increments scheduled in it. I literally plan every half hour of my day so that I stay on track because as a stay at home mom I have a lot to do. Yes, I cook and clean but I also schedule times to play with my kiddos (and they have time they can play by themselves), I schedule learning times for them as well as my breaks and free time, quiet time, reading time, etc. I plan out my meals, budget and shopping lists as well as my schedule on Sundays. Plus I am also a work from home mom with my own business so I schedule in time for my work as well. It keeps me busy so I don't get bored easily. As far as snacking- I snack. But I make sure and only keep healthy snacks in the house that won't make me go over board on my calories. I figured if I know it wasn't good for my body to take in as much sugar and fat as I was, then why should I make my kids? For snacks they have plenty of choices of fruits and vegetables, apple sauce, yogurt or granola bars. I also keep snacks in the house that they might like that I don't. It makes it easier to not over indulge if I don't care for it. Sometimes I mix up peanut butter and a few melted chocolate chips to make an apple dip for us. I also do meal prep, so I portion out snack sizes of the fruits and veggies for us in individual sandwich bags. I keep homemade dips on hand that are super low in calories (Greek yogurt ranch dressing and cucumber sauce among others) for the veggies. And the kids are each allowed to have a chocolate granola bar or something similar if they eat a good portion of veggies and fruits throughout the day. It really was a matter of changing a lifestyle for all of us. Right now my 3 year old has been eating us out of house and home. Where as before I could only get her to eat chicken nuggets, forcing her to try new things has opened her up and she insists on carrots and broccoli and other such things for snacks now (she is up to 15 baby carrots today already).

    But amidst all that, we also go for walks when it is nice out and have dance parties inside when it isn't. We have craft time and family activity time at the end of the night after baths and before bedtime. So between all of that, trust me, I don't get bored.
  • claricen2008
    claricen2008 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also a stay at home mom also of an almost 2 year old little girl. I too, eat out of boredom/stress. My best advice to help fight the habit is when you find yourself eating at no meal times to stop and legitimately question why you are eating. If it is any excuse other than being hungry, then stop. I also use a rewards system with myself. When I go so long without boredom eating, I get a piece of chocolate or to buy a new top or something small for myself.
  • aliciahameed
    I'm a single stay at home mom of a 2 year old little girl. I found I was binge eating from boredom as well and it got me to a point where I weight more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant. Just find stuff to do, go for a walk outside, eat fruits if you're really THAT bored. Just remember to listen to your stomach. If you're not ACTUALLY hungry, don't eat. Also I work out 5 times a week so it allows me to eat a little more calories every day :3
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    Im a stay at home mom of 3. I feel as though if I make meals that will keep me satisfied from meal to meal i don't seem to crave to many other things. Having tons of flavors and good fats really helps too.
  • div9diva44
    div9diva44 Posts: 151 Member
    Was very inspired by all the honesty and positivity! Please feel free to add me. I have lots of encouragement to share. My device won't let me add but anyone is welcome! GREAT JOB
  • OliviaVenter
    OliviaVenter Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem that I need to tackle
    Just had a new baby girl - 1 month ;-)
    and starting out on my mission of losing all that pregnancy weight ...
    Long road ahead !