tell me what worked/is working for you!

Hello I am fairly new to dieting n ughhh excersice, so far ive been steady on my zumba, 5 days a week 40 minutes a day, im gonna try Yoga today, and wall push ups, and squats. I am looking for waht worked for others so i can try it out and see what works best for me.... Thanks for your input guys!!



2011 : YOUR FACE IS SO CUTE,,,,, BUT...."

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  • delita259
    delita259 Posts: 15
    if someone can fix my pix..that would be awesome! i cant figure it out!
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    change the IMG to img
    just changee from upper to lower case
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Hello I am fairly new to dieting n ughhh excersice, so far ive been steady on my zumba, 5 days a week 40 minutes a day, im gonna try Yoga today, and wall push ups, and squats. I am looking for waht worked for others so i can try it out and see what works best for me.... Thanks for your input guys!!


    2006 @ 245LBS "BIG GURLS RULE" ....YEA RIGHT

    2011 : YOUR FACE IS SO CUTE,,,,, BUT...."

    <IMG SRC="; border="0" alt="Image Hosting by">
  • momof26
    momof26 Posts: 83
    I make sure I go for a walk or play some basketball. I also do kickboxing and I lift weights too. Lifting weights makes me feel like I actually did something that day along with my other activities. Good luck!!!
  • delita259
    delita259 Posts: 15
    thank you for reposting this :D
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    I used to eat out everyday and even though i figured welkl im having a salad how can it be bad??? the scale stopped moving so once i started to bring lunch and working out it help made me feel and look better
  • Jalachri
    Jalachri Posts: 47
    I say as long as you exercise 6 days a week along with eating your aloted calories you are doing great! I LVOE the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels also and its only a 20 min workout and it really works and I sweat like crazy and am drenched when im done! Good luck :)
  • delita259
    delita259 Posts: 15
    396601402.jpg just seeing if this works
  • Loubell83
    Loubell83 Posts: 20
    I have been dieting since January and so far it is going well.

    At the moment I do Zumba once a week for an hour, play badminton for an hour once a week and attend the gym 3 times a week. I combine cardio (execise bike/treadmill) with strength training, to help tone and change the shape of my body.

    Once you get started there will be no stopping you, as it actually gets enjoyable! If the gym is not your thing, try walking and then upping that to a walk/jog (walk 3 mins, jog 3 mins etc). You will love it!
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    First of need to stop thinking of it as a diet and more of a lifestyle change. I've done diets before and they don't last too long. Think of this as a journey...taking one meal, one day, one a time. I tipped the scales over 260 pounds for years and i'm currently down to 234. I advise and suggestions I recieve from my MFP friends has taught me many lessons. There is no quick fix to this. It takes time to lose weight...1/2 pound to 1 pound a week is great...any more and you are pushing too hard. The best advise I can offer is be patient and dedicated...HOW BAD DO YOU WANT THIS??? Best of luck!!!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Agree with the previous poster who stated that this isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change, this is so true!!!!

    Forcus on one day at a time, do your exercise, watch your portions, drink enough water and slowly but surely the weight will come off. I run 4 times a week, between 4 to 8 miles, also do skipping, trampoline and hand weights for toning. Have done the 30 day shred, which I will revisit again, so mixing and matching is my preference, apart from can't give up my running, I love it! hahaha
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I started the couch to 5K program back in february-its a great beginners running program where for the first 1/2 of it its more walking than running. It really builds you up/endurance and distance.

    I also started to watch my sodium intake (the scale wasn't moving for about 3 weeks) when I decreased my sodium intake and kept it under the amount given to us here I started to lose again. I eat more fruits and veggies now too-more fruits that are sweet curb my sweet tooth (braeburn, ambrosia apples, bananas, oranges and berries). I decreased my intake of canned foods and soups-I use them occasionally but try to eat less sodium for other meals. Eating lean meats and fish also has helped.

    I also make sure to eat all if not most of my exercise calories-gotta keep the body fueled.

    Keep strong and stick to it and you will see progress. No ones perfect we all have off days just don't beat yourself up about it, note it and move on learning from it.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    For me what has worked is to make gradual, sustainable changes. I do things differently now than when I first started 67 pounds ago. So my advice would be pick a couple of things to change, work on those until they are "normal", and then pick a couple more things to change. My biggest weakness is sugar. So one of my first changes was to slowly cut back on it. I went from having desert after (or for) every meal to only having it after dinner. Now desert is really a treat that I have a couple of times a week at most.

    Also at the beginning of my journey I was very sedentary. So I started exercising by just going to the gym and walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. It got me moving, didn't hurt, and I could make myself do it regularly. Now going to the gym 5 days a week is a habit and I feel bad if I don't go. I can also do much more intense cardio than when I started. But it's important to start where you really are, not try to start where you want to be. If you over-do it and hurt yourself, you won't want to continue. Pick an activity or exercise that you like (or at least don't mind) and do it. When it becomes easy, increase the speed, duration, or difficulty.

    It really is consistency that makes the difference. Big changes won't happen overnight, but if you keep at it, they will happen. If you have a bad day, don't stress out about it, just make tomorrow a better day. This really is a lifestyle change, and you have to live it one day at a time.

    Congratulations on making the decision to start your journey to better health and being happy with yourself. I wish you much success.
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I agree with the folks that are saying not to think of this as a diet but as a lifestyle change. I have been here for 3 years now and have maintained my weight. I never gave up eating any foods, I just don't eat as much of them. Do whatever exercise you can whenever you can and it will soon become a habit. Remember, we didn't gain our weight overnight and we will not lose it overnight either. You can do this!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    hey girl,
    for me what worked is setting small goals 10lbs at at time once i hit that another 10lb ans so on and so on.
    also MAKING the time to workout 30 min a day, notice i said making not FINDING the time.
    keeping a food diary ,8 cups a water and tracking everything i eat and drink.
    also having a forum of like minded people like mfp to keep me motivated to continue.,its true bird of a feather flock (succeed)
    and most importantly dont get frustrated with yourself it will take a while to incorporate these new habits but believe it can be done, just dont give up and just like your doing now if you need help just ask for it.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    For me, the most important thing when starting off with is believing that you can do it. Set yourself specific, measurable goals, put them in the present tense, visualize what it'll look like when you achieve them, and read them EVERY day, every chance you get.

    So for instance something like "By 4th July, I have lost 15lbs and am working out 5 times a week".

    You need to make sure that you believe that you can do this, or you'll end up sabotaging your own weight loss. Set yourself 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, 12 month and overall goals, all following this same set of guidelines.

    I personally have my goals written down on the Excel spreadsheet that I track my daily weight on, so that every morning when I put in my weight, I've got my goals staring me in the face and am reminded of them. Also, if you miss your goal, don't get discouraged - simply put in a new date to achieve the goal and carry on.

    Once you've done that, MFP provides some wonderful tools for tracking your calories. Exercise makes a huge difference as well to your overall health, and the combination of a healthy diet within your calorie goals and doing exercise regularly, no matter how small you start off.

    If you try and stick to these guidelines, and hold yourself accountable for your success, I'm sure you'll see the weight flying off.

    Good luck!
