Loose skin discussion

Im trying to lose 100 lbs. The fear of loose skin isnt going to stop me, but i would like to know, how many of you guys have success stories where you have little or no loose skin, and how many have alot of it? Any tips to avoid loose skin are welcomed too.


  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    I've lost around 60lbs with about 30-40 to go depending on how I feel when I get there and yes it's coming! My boobs are terrible, lost a good few cup sizes there, I had bulges of fat just behind my armpit, above my bra line and I've got it there, and the bottom of my stomach.
    Through loads of research I've found that if you have any big bulges or over hangs then that's where you're probably going to have loose skin. So if you already have "melty" kind of fat then chances are high you'll end up with loose skin, but if everything is still quite tight and not so "hangy" then you could well get away with loosing 100lbs and it not being particularly noticeable.
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    Oh, and again through lots of research you really can't do much about it. Some people will say to exfoliate, moisturise, massage, etc. It really just boils down to genetics, and of course how much weight you are losing.
    The only thing I would say is to drink enough water, but even then you wouldn't see a huge difference.
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!
  • lolly715
    lolly715 Posts: 106
    Your age could also be a benefit. I lost over 100lbs at around your age and had no loose skin. 10 years later, starting at a lower weight than last time but I've only lost 50lbs and can already see loose skin. It's in places that are easy to hide with clothing (top of thighs, as an example) so most of the time it doesn't bother me at all.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I dropped 60lb (regained 9-10). SW 224, 5',7", 35yrs old. No loose skin. Also now no boobs! Sigh.. Definitely think genetics play a part. They say it can take up to 2yrs for skin to completely recover. And if you can 'stretch' it out & it rebounds there's a good chance it'll shrink. Skin that looks like a deflated balloon is surgical removal only.
  • ChefKatana
    ChefKatana Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 24 and 2 years ago I lost about 8 stone (approx 112lbs) and I have found that even with exercise I have loose skin.. the worst of it being my stomach and boobs, but I also have small bingo wings for good measure. Its frustrating.
  • pickledeggy
    pickledeggy Posts: 31 Member
    When i was 17 I lost 70lbs no problem, even got rid of any cellulite did lots of running and toning. Now I'm 21 and have lost 30.. Nothing yet but I have 3 1/2 stone to get back to what I got down to at 17 so I'll let you know...
  • bodaciousissa
    bodaciousissa Posts: 7 Member
    Drink bone broth it will really work wonders. We don't eat the things in a standard American diet for you skin to heal itself. You might still have some but give it time. It took years for you body to get like that it takes years to recover. Also working out really helps. As far as the chest issue it depends on how much breast tissue you have. I lost 70 pounds once and went from a 44 DDD to a 36 DD. Make sure to wear your proper bra size and give support the whole time you lose weight. Push up bras are the enemy. Hydration is also very important. Have a great day!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've lost 138 from my heaviest, including 90-100 lb that was "on" my body for 20+ years. When I lost that first 40 lb (that had just been "on" for about 3 years) I didn't notice any loose skin. I also lost that weight very slowly, like 7-10 lb per year.

    Since starting MFP 2 years ago my weight loss sped up dramatically and so has the loose skin issue. I am honestly pretty satisfied, but I think a lot of it has to do with attitude & expectations. I know a lot of people who have lost less, and have less loose skin than I do, and are upset and horrified by it and looking toward surgery and so on. I'm really not, but I fully expected the loose skin to be an issue.

    Worst of it for me: bingo wings, fat roll above my waist/upper abdomen. Very bad. But when I look back at photos I had a huge "spare tire" and now it's more like a very small lumpy roll -- so much easier to hide in clothing. Still pretty bad though. I haven't worn a 2 piece swimsuit since I was 5-6 years old but I NEVER will, believe me. For me that is not even remotely an issue but I'm sure many women would be very disappointed by this.

    Also not great: inner thighs. My legs look good from the front and back (in fact I seriously see just 10-15% of the cellulite appearance the backs of my thighs used to have, I am shocked in a good way by this!!) but in the very middle of my thighs (where they touch) the skin is crepey and ugly.

    Pretty happy with: breasts. I've only gone down band sizes, not cup (from 42DD to 36DD). I also notice this issue waxes and wanes over time. I seriously think my breasts were droopier last summer at ~180 lb than they are right now at 169 lb. This leads me to believe some stories of skin tightening up over time, but again who knows. My hips are a tiny bit flabby but not bad at all.

    Very happy with: knees, forearms, lower abdomen (no apron hangy fat at all, thank goodness, it's nice & flat), back (I seriously had so much back fat it was like an extra set of boobs back there and it's totally gone w/ no excess skin at all). I know it's kind of weird I mentioned forearms. I know a lady a bit older than I am who has sort of like "flaps" on her forearms after weight loss and I feel that I had that sort of problem a little while, around 200-220 lb, but it went away completely as I went into the 190s and below.

    For reference I'm 38 yrs old and 5'8", and was over 200 lb starting at age 15-16, once reaching 307 as my highest weight. No children so pregnancy weight not a part of my story.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    From my experience, anyone with 80+ lbs to lose will experience loose skin. To what degree will depend on factors like age, genetics and how fast they lost the weight. They ONLY way to find out how your body will react is to lose the weight and see what happens. There are no real protocols that one could do to reduce it (with the possible exception of losing weight very slowly over a long period of time).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have 60 lbs to lose. My nurse practioner said drink ALOT of water, I also decided to buy some Palmer's Coco butter Moisturizing Body Oil with Vitamin E that I've been using in the shower and am losing at a slower rate. (crossing my fingers)

    ps also I'm not smoking or drinking

    hope this helps
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    I have lost 40 lb slowly over one year. I'm 41 and just 5ft and at my heaviest had terrible bulges and overhangs.
    But, no loose skin whatsoever, not a mark on it, it looks great. We'll see what happens during the next 20lb weight loss which will get my BMI down to around 21. I'm hopeful of none.
    I do an hours cardio exercise most days and my lifestyle is really quite physical renovating an old cottage and garden.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    I've lost 46 pounds, and am hoping to loose 20 more (my short term goal is to drop 10 pounds, but I think it's possible to drop 20). I have a lot more loose skin on my arms than I'd like, but I know that one of the things that is helping me is working on my muscle tone while I lose weight. I've worked my core and legs more than my arms, and they show the results for it. I have a firmer tummy and even some definition, and my legs don't appear so jiggly....I think an earlier response is right on point: have realistic expectations. Expect that there WILL be loose skin, and there will always be a "trouble spot", but know that your health is getting better every day you make those good choices. I know that I've gotten "picky" about my own physique at times, after dropping my weight, but I find an old picture or think about what I'm doing physically that I wasn't able to before. Those are the important pieces of this journey. Good luck!
  • makelemonade14
    makelemonade14 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm only 30, but I have terrible skin elasticity, unfortunately from my mom. Pregnancy left us both a wreck. I'm sure I will always having a belly overhang/apron, even if I were at the most fit possible. I've lost 27 pounds so far (56 to go) and my skin has become really soft and a bit wrinkly. My pregnancy stretch marks tell me I won't ever recover. But I will feel better, I will be healthier, and I will look better. Gotta focus on the big picture...
  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    I have a weight loss goal of 100lb. 2 years ago I was so nearly there and had lost 94lb then got pregnant (third baby). I am currently at a loss of 86lb towards my 100lb weight loss goal, so getting there again.

    I can tell you at my 94lb weight loss my skin was horrible. I have such fair skin. My boobs were like balls in socks, I had loads of loose skin on my stomach, my bum was saggy and my inner thighs were hideous. I had a small apron of skin at the bottom of my stomach and my bingo wings are huge.

    But even after all of this nothing compares to how much more confident and happier I am. The loose skin is nothing compared to the benefits of the weight loss and although I am unhappy about the loose skin it reminds me of how far I have come.

    I work out loads, lifting heavy and attend a couple of gym classes a week. My stomach muscles are stronger the they have ever been but none of this seems to help. My skin is just so damaged and stretch marked I doubt it will ever shrink again. Its just so saggy and wrinkly I know my only option of getting rid of it is surgery but I don't care.

    Loosing this weight was the best thing I ever did. Stick with it and meet your goal.

    I started at 240lb and want to get to 140. I'm 5ft 6inch and nearly 30.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    I have lost 55 pounds and still have about 25 to lose, but so far no loose skin. I still have a bit of a fat roll on my abdomen, but my thighs have gotten noticeably smaller without sagging saddle bags and I have no bingo wings. My mother is almost 80 and still has reasonably elastic skin with fairly few wrinkles, so I think I got lucky and inherited those genes. However, I do drink a lot of water and, whenever I add ounces of caffeine from coffee, tea, or soda, I drink the same amount of water in addition to my usual intake. I don't smoke or drink alcoholic beverages and I am never exposed to the sun for more than a couple hours at a time. I also lost weight relatively slowly and did some light lifting/bicep curls/push ups. That may have mitigated the loose skin, too.
  • RRBww
    RRBww Posts: 40 Member
    I lost a lot of weight before my last baby (number 5). Vitamin E oil in roll-on form saved my belly skin during and after pregnancy and weight loss. Hydrating, lifting heavy helps too.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    chicky26 wrote: »
    I have a weight loss goal of 100lb. 2 years ago I was so nearly there and had lost 94lb then got pregnant (third baby). I am currently at a loss of 86lb towards my 100lb weight loss goal, so getting there again...

    But even after all of this nothing compares to how much more confident and happier I am. The loose skin is nothing compared to the benefits of the weight loss and although I am unhappy about the loose skin it reminds me of how far I have come. I work out loads, lifting heavy and attend a couple of gym classes a week. My stomach muscles are stronger the they have ever been but none of this seems to help. My skin is just so damaged and stretch marked I doubt it will ever shrink again. Its just so saggy and wrinkly I know my only option of getting rid of it is surgery but I don't care. Loosing this weight was the best thing I ever did. Stick with it and meet your goal....

    Nicely said. I'm down 175 pounds and almost to goal. Same issues and likely won't have surgery.

    I know for many people it boils down to several factors, such as: how much overweight, how long has the person carried the weight (months or decades), age etc. Like you, I plan to do as much as I can and whatever I end up with...is still better than being morbidly obese and shopping in only "big/tall/fat stores" Have a great day. :)
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    lost 55 lbs, had "granny" wings before - now they are much looser... I guess that's why others can "bingo" wings? inner thighs loose as well... boobs unfortunately are often first to go... but that's ok - I'm ok with it if I'm healthier.
  • I lost a 100 pounds and skin is hanging. But you can hide it. You cant hide the 100 pounds that's how i look at.
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    My sister lost about 140. Lifting weigjts really helped her firm up that loose skin. The only place she had a toigh time with was her stomach. But over time it looked better.
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