Hardest Thing to do

17 days into 2015 and I am down 11 lbs. I know I should be ecstatic, and I am! But this has been the hardest thing i have had to do! Daily self check's, planning and prepping... It is exhausting! I find myself struggling with sweets more lately than I did at first and I am so afraid I will fail like so many times before. I want this!!! Wtf is wrong with me? I will turn 34 this year and I CANNOT be this unhealthy anymore!! I feel like a huge balloon!!
How do you do it? Fight the cravings day in and day out...motivate yourself to exercise when all you want to do is come home and relax..I really do commend those I see who have succeeded! I KNOW how hard this is!! So now I am venturing out to look for friends who know what it's like to struggle.. Who motivate without judgment. I really need all the help I can get!! I just cannot stay where I am any longer!!


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Eat what you like so you won't feel deprived and be tempted to binge. Just fit it into your calorie goals for the day. Until you get the moderation thing down, avoid and don't have food in your house that you can't stop eating (for me it's potato chips). Find an exercise you LOVE to do, and someone to do it with and you'll look forward to it and enjoy it. I just bought a recumbent trike last year and it's a lot of fun to ride- I don't even feel like I'm exercising. (But I have to replace it with walking when the weather is cold). You deserve this and you can do it!
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    The newness of losing weight has worn off and its time to push thru. Its tough.

    Find an exercise you don't dread. For me its a time thing, so T25 or 30 Day Shread are great (<30min each). This way I'm doing something just to get in the habit of exercising and start looking forward to it again.

    Food is all about moderation and not letting one bad choice derail the whole day or week. Each choice is a new opportunity to make a healthy one. Over time the cravings stop for something, others you just have to work in to your daily food intake. After eating healthy long enough the old craving are so dissatisfying and disappointing you learn not to even consider it. Big Mac is really a horrible tasting item and I have learned that it will never live up to my mental expectations when eating it now, so its not even a consideration any more for me.
  • KeishaJolene
    Great advice! Thank you:) I have heard that after some time you don't even want the extra sugars and carbs.. I will just be so glad when that day comes! Lol
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Eventually it becomes a habit.
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    edited January 2015
    I figured out (the hard way, by gaining back almost 30 of the 40 pounds I lost) that I am one of the "lucky" ones that needs to eat right and work out to lose weight. I basically work out so I can eat, lol. For working out, you have to find something that you can at least not hate doing (i have yet to find a workout I love. Those people who say they love working out are crazy!). I LOVE to read (like I can easily neglect my family and read a novel in one day), so I only allow myself to read while working out. The only thing I can do while reading is ride a stationary recumbent bike, so that's what I do. Since I love reading so much, I rarely miss a day on my bike. Also, I hate waking up early, so working out in the morning is out of the question, but if I come home from work, make dinner, play with the kids, get them to bed, and all of my other family household duties, I am too exhausted to work out. So, I know that I have to do it right when I get home from work or I won't do it at all.

    As far as the eating and cravings, I will usually try to remind myself that I don't want to waste my workout by eating a whole bunch of junk or I try to drink a glass of water and make myself wait a bit. If I still really want (insert craving item here), then I will just have a tiny taste....a few chips, a mini snickers, two spoonfuls of ice cream, etc. It's not enough that it blows my calorie allowance or uses up all of my workout calories. It's just enough to get the taste of it. Most of the time that works. Sometimes I just eat the whole frickin bag and start over tomorrow :smile: and that's ok, too.

    Ps, I'm turning 34 this month. This is our year!!! Add me if you want. I'm always looking for motivational friends.
  • fitbethlin
    fitbethlin Posts: 162 Member
    17 days is awesome! But it's still early days - this is the next big challenge: making those changes HABIT. And then your next challenge is figuring out what you can let slide during maintenance (maybe only track every other day, making 80% good choices and not letting 20% bad ones drag you down, etc.) This becomes part of your life and ingrained in who you are over an even longer period of time. You are on the right track!