my rant...and why i am back but still need a lot of advice!

I am searching for a way to finally lose this 100 lbs i need to lose. I tried myfitness pal for the past few years and love it but never lost much weight (dont think it is myfitness pal's fault, think it is my state of mind). I have lost weight on weightwatchers in the past over 5 years ago but they have changed their points system so much that it is super confusing and expensive. I tried to go back to WW the past few weeks and it will NOT sync with my fitbit which makes me nuts and it is still confusing (the new points system) and expensive so i quit and am here again.I need some inspiration. I need more support emotionally. This is the greatest tracking tool on earth for sure i have discovered the hard way but i need a good weight loss coach or somebody to be accountable to. A group or organization. I tried OA but (don't want to offend anybody) felt like it made me even more out of control by telling myself i have a disease (overeating) so i would make even more excuses to overeat. about 10 years ago i was the most fit, in shape person alive and cannot seem to get that person back. I have had some hardships (my husband got cancer and i had multiple miscarriages) but i still remain positive and now that he is cancer free and i am fine i just want to lose this darn weight! I am on zoloft (TMI sorry) and think it makes me not care but i have terrible anxiety and everytime i get off of it i go into an anxiety panic attack thing that makes me eat more. I know my thyroid is fine as i have had it checked but i am obese and generally healthy but i will not be much longer if i keep being 100lbs overweight. Anybody know a great weight loss coach or something that would help with the emotional part of this journey? I have a psychologist and i am mentally sane, lol, but i need help just getting started and sticking to it. just need some help with finding some support. thanks for listening :)


  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    As I was reading your post, I thought about what a doctor did with a friend of mine who was enduring severe gastric issues. He took her down to basics. She had to strip everything she knew and everything she was eating and he placed her on a basic plan. She added things back into her diet until she found out what she was not tolerating. It helped her greatly.

    Sometimes, I feel we make it too complicated for ourselves and it becomes overwhelming. So my advice, take a step back and don't look at the 100lbs, but take it one day at a time. Strip it back down to basics. Forget everything you knew, and let this be a new beginning for yourself. Add things to it that work for you and not just by some model diet plan. Any diet will work, if you follow it (so I've been told) but we have to make it a lifestyle plan for ourselves in order for it to stick. I try to make myself "mini-goals" for the next day and then stick to them. If you do some of them and not all, well that was more than you did five days ago. Give yourself some credit, you've obviously been through a lot with the care and health of your husband, not to mention yourself. Hang in there and I wish you every success! :-)
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    fourlynne, thanks very much. I just feel pain. I need to lose this weight but feel i cannot. i have lost confidence in myself. I used to be so disciplined years ago and now i am not, i cannot figure out why.
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    You'll get there...don't give up. This is not your forever moment.
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    i feel like i am gonna give up
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    There are groups on here you should check out. Just having friends on here to vent to, rant, whine, etc really helps. We all try to encourage each other.
  • FullofSuccess
    FullofSuccess Posts: 44 Member
    dont give up. hang in there. take a long walk and clear you mind. set small goals for yourself. my only goals for this week is to eat the lunch that I take to work and to complete walk slim 3 days this week. Small goals, but way better than what I was doing. Eating as clean as you can will help as well. Good luck. you can add me if you need some extra support.
  • mymegris
    mymegris Posts: 2 Member
    I feel your pain. I had more than a hundred pounds to lose as well. Food had become a comfort and starting with a diet never seemed to work long term for me. I started working with a trainer once a week and then working out other days by myself. My knees were bothering me so I felt i couldn't do much in the beginner. However my trainer helped me to gradually get stronger and I was never really sore. She also helped me with nutrition. She has been a great coach. I've lost 70 lbs in the last 6 months and finally enjoy taking care of myself. It helps to have someone to be accountVle to and use as a source of support. I wish you well.
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    thanks you guys. mymegris: i have no idea how to find somebody like that in my area. Your so lucky. I have tried personal trainers and they always try and give me eating advice that sucks (very bland food plans with shakes/bars/lots of protein and i usually cannot eat that way as it is not real life) and they also always overwork me to the point i am too sore and cannot work out again. When your obese like me your prone to injury easily with too much jumping around/bootcamp stuff and even though i want to do that I tried a class last Friday and am so sore, pulled a muscle (too much burpees/planks/ and box jumps after not working out for months) that now i cannot work out for a couple of days. That is so discouraging. I used to run 5 miles a day 10 years ago and was half the size i am now. I know i can do this with the right program but have no idea what that is. I dont know how to movitate myself anymore as the goal just seems too huge.
  • mymegris
    mymegris Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my goodness it sounds as though you are trying to do too much too quickly. I started by working on weight machines three times a week for about 45 minutes slow and easy followed by treadmill or elliptical. When I started on the elliptical I could only do five minutes. I just slowly worked up. Now exercising is about 90 minutes I take for myself 4 - 5 days a week. Start light and slow so you dont get sore but can feel your muscles work. It's a marathon not a sprint
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    laralosingit42, I have 95 pounds left to lose out of a hundred. I've been overweight since I was 14, which is over 40 years. It took a long time to put on a hundred extra pounds, so I'm not in a rush to lose it. I hope to lose 1 lb per week over the next 2 years. So far, I've managed to lose a little over a pound a week since shortly before Christmas. I'm not using a program other than tracking everything I eat and wearing a Fitbit Zip. When I see I'm not moving enough or I've eaten too many calories, I'll go for a walk, or at least park the car at the far end of the lot when I'm out. At a pound a week, I don't have to put myself through strenuous exercise nor do I have to deprive myself.

    Keep taking your meds (I sure do!), realize that you've been through traumatic life events you couldn't control, and that what you feel is normal. I used to be super organized and in control, but lost loved ones and divorce knocked me for a loop. Now I just do the best I can. Take it one step at a time. Aim for one pound a week - baby steps. You'll do this!
  • mommpartin
    I know how isolating being overweight can be! Especially when you feel like you have no control!! I love the community here and I have a fantastic support group on Facebook as well! If you want to friend me on Facebook I can add you to that group too! It's associated with the meal plan I use, but the main purpose of the group is to educate, love and support one another :) Most importantly, STICK WITH IT! Every pound you lose is a pound you never have to lose again :) and know that you are not alone and you are cared for!!
  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you ! I feel so supported by you all. Several dumb questions about mfp: how can I send somebody a friend invite from clicking on their name here (using my phone app), and I would love to join ur support group @ mommpartin however how do I do that from here ( the Facebook account)?
  • mommpartin
    Thank you ! I feel so supported by you all. Several dumb questions about mfp: how can I send somebody a friend invite from clicking on their name here (using my phone app), and I would love to join ur support group @ mommpartin however how do I do that from here ( the Facebook account)?

    I will try sending you a message here so I can get your Facebook info!
  • mommpartin
    Hi! I sent you a message :) let me know if you didn't get it!!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The most important thing is to not quit. Literally everything else you can figure out along the way.
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    Giving up will only ensure that you will fail. You just keep trying it until it works. It doesn't work for most people on the first, second, or even third go at it. You will find a balance!
  • Runthekidsaround
    we can do all things some times..give yourself a will be fine

  • spottydog72
    spottydog72 Posts: 1 Member
    A year from now you will be so glad you stuck it out (or you could still be where you are now). Dont think about the 100 pounds. Just plan what you are going to do and eat tomorrow. Each day plan for that day. What can I achieve today? If today doesn't work out so well, so what? Tomorrow you get up and keep going. Slow and steady wins the race. Try to find a trainer that suits you or maybe get the gym to make a program for you to get started. I read a great saying the other day - you don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Be kind to yourself.
  • hlo9603
    hlo9603 Posts: 104 Member
    I have a group on Facebook called "Get Fit Motivators" feel free to join for the extra motivation and support! You can also add me as a friend here in MFP!