first post ever

Good morning- i am making a commitment to myself to lose weight and get healthy. i gained 15 lbs since i started graduate school in September. i was overweight before that, now i am officially at my heaviest ever. In the past i have given up so quickly with MFP. Barely track for a day or 2 then give up. I have been on HCG and other medical supervised plans, nothing has kept me motivated. I figure if I post this here now, I am accountable.
- Thank you! and Good Luck to each and everyone.


  • ttsrifliamg
    The HCG didn't teach you to weigh yourself everyday and especially after the diet's over so that you don't go over +2 lbs!?
  • flaviacarter
    Good morning- i am making a commitment to myself to lose weight and get healthy. i gained 15 lbs since i started graduate school in September. i was overweight before that, now i am officially at my heaviest ever. In the past i have given up so quickly with MFP. Barely track for a day or 2 then give up. I have been on HCG and other medical supervised plans, nothing has kept me motivated. I figure if I post this here now, I am accountable.
    - Thank you! and Good Luck to each and everyone.

    Hey! My first post here too. Actually I didn't know about this community thing :)
    Well, I think the motivation always come from ourselves and our greater will to make anything happen. I've been on a diet 2 years ago and I lost 20kg (I'm brazilian and I count in Kg sorry ;x) and the diet I was doing was only count calories and cut pops, potatoes, rice, pasta and sweet things. Even though I was always eating chocolate every week and surpriselly help on the diet.
    So, I got desmotivated for n reasons and I gained 14kg again. Now I'm on a the same diet again but now I'm updating diary on this app. It's helping a lot because better than you eat what you are supposed to is control it. So try it again! Make a commitment with this app like if it was a big friend that you need to tell things all the time. But tell it ehat you eated and you'll see the changes. It's all about commitment and discipline.
    I began my diet again on January 3rd and I already lost 3,6Kg.
    Keep trying! You can do it!
  • ttsrifliamg
    A quick advice: You HAVE TO weigh yourself EVERY morning consistently (after peeing & naked) if you are to not rebound. People like to think that they can feel it when they gain weight but they can't. A couple of lbs gained is distributed so evenly throughout the body that it will not register on your waists line at all until it becomes a MuCH larger gain...and by that time the initial "Brown fat" has turned I to "White fat" which is virtually locked in. If you take action that SAME day then you'll be back on track (by that I mean you'll drop back below this "do not pass" limit you've set - whatever that number is, presuming it's the weight you've just reached). Hope that has certainly helped my wife and I. I will concede that's it's like watching paint dry but it's worth it. You'll also learn what makes you tick up and down, which also helps plan for future parties etc...the wife and I can drop a few lbs a few days before we plan on going to an eating party like the Super Bowl !!
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    A quick advice: You HAVE TO weigh yourself EVERY morning consistently (after peeing & naked) if you are to not rebound. People like to think that they can feel it when they gain weight but they can't. A couple of lbs gained is distributed so evenly throughout the body that it will not register on your waists line at all until it becomes a MuCH larger gain...and by that time the initial "Brown fat" has turned I to "White fat" which is virtually locked in. If you take action that SAME day then you'll be back on track (by that I mean you'll drop back below this "do not pass" limit you've set - whatever that number is, presuming it's the weight you've just reached). Hope that has certainly helped my wife and I. I will concede that's it's like watching paint dry but it's worth it. You'll also learn what makes you tick up and down, which also helps plan for future parties etc...the wife and I can drop a few lbs a few days before we plan on going to an eating party like the Super Bowl !!
    Brown and white fat? What?

  • Sneadt2174
    Sneadt2174 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I am trying to lose 50 lbs. again. Lost it with Weight Watchers but gained it back. Starting over. Need the accountability. Can anyone help me with the wight counter on the home page. It is set at 0 and I input my weight loss in but it is not updating.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Sneadt2174 wrote: »
    Hello I am trying to lose 50 lbs. again. Lost it with Weight Watchers but gained it back. Starting over. Need the accountability. Can anyone help me with the wight counter on the home page. It is set at 0 and I input my weight loss in but it is not updating.

    If you're on the internet, you need to go to where it says check in and delete previous entries. I think it is under the home page.