Cheat Meal

I haven't been dieting long, but my daily calorie intake is 1200. I've been trying to stay between 500-800 calories per day. I have read that cheat meals are okay, usually once a week. So, on the days of those cheat meals I usually eat around 1500 calories, that includes a meal of Chick Fil A or just overeating etc. Does this effect your weekly weight loss by eating one cheat meal per week??? Like I said, I haven't been dieting long, two weeks actually. I have lost 2.5 lbs so far and I'm so afraid of gaining it back! So should I stay away from cheat meals OR does it actually jumpstart weight loss like the magazines say?


  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    edited January 2015
    It's not really a 'cheat' meal you're just eating slightly more calories on one day. You're still achieving a caloric deficit on the day you're eating 1500 calories.

    Hang on -500-800 calories a day? That's not good - you should be eating the 1200 calories allotted to you.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    It's not really a 'cheat' meal you're just eating slightly more calories on one day. You're still achieving a caloric deficit on the day you're eating 1500 calories.

    Hang on -500-800 calories a day? That's not good - you should be eating the 1200 calories allotted to you.


    Eat 1200 a day to ward off malnutrition.

    The magazines are ridiculous and way too influenced by their advertisers. Cheat meals are a toxic concept. Let me tell you, as someone who has tried and failed many diets, what has finally let me lose 34 pounds: I stopped feeling guilty about what I ate, I stopped viewing eating junk food as cheating, and I started making room for that food in my calories. You want fast food tonight? Better eat fewer calories at breakfast and lunch. Done.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    "dieting" ... you misspelled "starving yourself"

    lol 500-800 . It's not "cheating" at those levels, it's "survival" -- y'know: not dying.

    Your doin' it wrong.

    Eat more. Lose weight slowly.

  • thepurpleleopard
    thepurpleleopard Posts: 3 Member
    I have 'cheat meals' when I feel like I really fancy something I don't usually eat much of when I'm being good.
    I mean, I eat a little of everything in moderation (no food is off limits entirely), but sometimes feel like having a bit more.
    Thing is, on these 'cheat days' I still make sure I don't go over my maintenence calories.
    That way, I've had a little treat but I won't gain :smiley:
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I don't feel the need for cheat meals. I eat what I want in moderation, working them into my calories. Even with your meal, you're still undereating and setting yourself up for health issues down the road. Most likely, you could lose eating 1500 every day.
  • LeeLeeVT
    LeeLeeVT Posts: 3 Member
    For those who need more stats:
    GW: 110
    Height: 5 3'

    When I eat 500-800 Calories I do not feel deficient, I have been eating healthy, therefore eating filling foods. I am getting married in August and am trying to lose the weight and tone fast. I am simply asking for some advice. I am not trying to be anorexic, like some may think. I lost this weight about 5 years ago, it took about a years time. BUT, I gained it back over this time span. I am looking for a way to lose the weight quickly without eating fruits/veggies 24/7. I understand "bad eating" can not be a lifestyle. BUT for those who don't exactly look at fruits/veggies as a favorite meal enjoy a hamburger every now and then.
  • LeeLeeVT
    LeeLeeVT Posts: 3 Member
    To those who were offended by my mention of the word "anorexic", I apologize. I was not using that word in a sarcastic manner or to poke fun, I realize some people truly struggle with that issue. I was only using that term to address some of the previous, rather rude, comments I received earlier in my post about eating such a low calorie diet. I was simply saying that I was not trying to overload myself with an unhealthy diet. I am not one who tries to live an unhealthy lifestyle just so I can look good for the status quo. I simply am new to dieting, eating healthy, and calorie counting. I was and still am looking for GOOD ADVICE. I have heard from VARIOUS sources that "cheat meals" cause your metabolism to actually burn extra fat, therefore not hurting your diet but actually helping it- therefore stemming from my original question.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    LeeLeeVT - the stuff about cheat meals is incorrect. they do not help you burn extra fat.