Over 150 Pounds to Lose? Join Us and Get It Done!



  • I am on the same journey. I'm doing things differently this time. I'm not striving to do this perfectly, I'm trying to make overall healthier choices. I'm also working on my spiritual, mental, and emotional struggles. I'm making progress. It's slow, but still progress.
  • Mona and Tara - I really like your attitudes. As I am always telling my students, done is better than perfect! If you go a little over your calories, so what? The real accomplishment is tracking them, and learning new habits. Nobody learns new habits unless they make plenty of mistakes.

    The emotional and spiritual sides of weight loss are neglected a lot, I think. Although my weight gain was mostly due to medical issues, aging, injuries, and boredom, I am making an effort to make this change for my health and mental well being, not for vanity. My 16 y.o. daughter asked me why I was dieting. She said I was beautiful like I was. I told her I knew that, but I wanted someday to be able to play with my grandchildren and take them places and run around with them. I didn't say to her that I wanted to be alive when they came, but that's what I was thinking. I had never really thought about that, until she asked me. It really isn't about fitting into jeans from twenty years ago or being able to go to the beach, it's about having a (hopefully) long life and being able to enjoy it.
  • JClark1980
    JClark1980 Posts: 30 Member
    Jus relocated here in OKC from Louisiana, have 75-85lbs to lose, and would love to find others looking for weight loss buddies and to make new friends along the way would be awesome too!
  • I'm trying to lose between 175 and 200 lbs just started January 5th lost 14.5lbs so far app says 9.3 but it's wrong didn't know how to do it at first I would love to join your group to stay motivated every bit helps
  • erynleigh
    erynleigh Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone. I have around 150 pounds to lose to be my "ideal" weight. This is my second journey with weight loss and my fitness pal. My 40 pound success a few years ago was due to the great support system I had on MFP and the people I connected with. I'd love to share my journey with you and help support you on yours. Please feel free to add me if you'd like so we can stay buddies. -Erin :)
  • jittarbug1
    jittarbug1 Posts: 7 Member
    hi feel free to friend me I need to loose 250 pounds
  • meghan8504
    meghan8504 Posts: 19 Member
    This group is exactly what I need with 150 to lose.I have a long journey ahead of me with my ideal weight being 130 for my 5'2" self. I am starting out slow by drinking more water instead of soda and get off the couch. I just started tracking what I eat today. I am taking baby steps to get back on track but I am struggling and need support. Please feel free to add me. Looking forward to staying motivating and supporting each other.
  • I created this group

    "Ready and Determined to Lose 150 Pounds or More - With a Little Help From Our Friends!"

    I wish I knew how to include a link to it here. Just ask me and I will send you an invite. Have a great day!
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Count me in. I'm 20 lbs into my 190 lb weight loss target. I had managed to lose 134 lbs previously in 2010 thanks to MFP, but failed to keep it off. I had said "never again" - but here I am. Wishing everyone the best - it CAN be done.
  • Bump!

    I created a group for people losing 150+ pounds -

    "Ready and Determined to Lose 150 Pounds or More - With a Little Help From Our Friends!"

    I wish I knew how to include a link to it here. Just ask me ( or friend me) and I will send you an invite.

    I started on Jan. 2 and I have lost 22 pounds so far. I have a long way to go but I'm proud of my start!

    Have a great day!
  • Trisha_Lynn_
    Trisha_Lynn_ Posts: 6 Member
    I've looked for the group, but there's sooo many I didn't get very far. Would you send me an invite please?