Shift Workers?

Hey guys, does any one have any advice or tips for trying to lose weight while working 12 hr shifts (I work mainly nights 7pm-7am) I get pretty hungry throughout the night and try to keep full by eating healthy snacks thruout the night but sometimes all I want is carbs carbs and mooooore carbs lol. I also find it hard w/ the food diary bc all my days/nights are all meshed together bc my sleep is so messed!


  • mmadams5711
    I so know what you mean! I've been working 7p-7a for almost a year now. I've actually lost about 20 pounds since going to nights. My typical day is- I eat breakfast lunch (nap) and dinner at home before I go into work and I pack fruit, veggies and whatever else. I've been avoiding vending machines and the break room goodies which is really hard. But you just gotta keep your goal in mind. It's definitely easier said than done!! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • year2015letsgo
    Ah this is me too! So hard to figure out how to eat a healthy meal at 4am? Or do I eat a meal.. I do two overnights a week and its a challenge! Add me as a friend if you'd like, I track my food daily.
  • sleighgreen
    sleighgreen Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right there with you! I've worked nights and found myself wanting to eat more on night shift.
    If you stay away from nibbling on snack while your working all night you can get through it. Take 2 healthy snacks and eat before dinner you go in. I would make lots of green tea during the shift to help keep me from getting too hungry.
  • AshleyJW31
    AshleyJW31 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice/support! I have recently been trying to have a protein shake (lean shake from GNC) I find that's helped curb the carb cravings a little! Green tea is a good idea... I do find that a cup of tea can help with cravings also :)
  • Kannson
    Kannson Posts: 15
    I would continue to eat as you would during the day. Every few hours have a small meal or snack. Pre-meal at home and take the food with you to heat up
  • strikermiz
    strikermiz Posts: 34 Member
    I work the same shift (7p-7a) 2 nights a week. I also just want to eat like crazy. I am slowly through trial and error starting to figure out what works to curb my hunger. Dinner before work, pack lots of healthy snacks which is essentially "lunch" and drink tons of water. Then i have a moderate breakfast before I go to sleep in the morning so I am not hungry. I still am hungry at times during the night but I try to stick to my planned eating times. I too have trouble distinguishing what "meal" im actually eating. I try not to worry about it too much and just log from midnight to midnight.
  • icedcupcake1981
    icedcupcake1981 Posts: 16 Member
    I work shifts both day and night and agree its hard. I find when I'm on nights that I will eat dinner before I start. I then take what I would have for lunch with me for my break to keep me going. I then have breakfast when I get home before going to sleep. I try and avoid naughty trears which is definitely easier said than done especially on a busy shift.
  • keturaheaton
    keturaheaton Posts: 21 Member
    I work nights also 7p-7a 3x a week. I eat dinner before I leave for work. I plan out my meals for the day in advance and save some calories for during my shift. I eat lots of fruits, nuts, peanut butter, yogurt, tuna. Feel free to add me also!
  • jeffreybas
    jeffreybas Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2015
    I work 10p-6a. Here's how I do my meals.
    Small breakfast 7a
    Sleep 9a-1p
    Work out 130p-230p
    Snack 245p
    Lunch 4p
    Snack 7p
    Dinner 10p
    Snack 2a

    With this I am usually pretty good through out my day. Urges here and there but that's another wall to break through and over come.
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    I tend to eat "breakfast" at about 5pm and then a snack of protein and fat gets me through the med pass, which can be pretty heavy because I could be pulling and handing out to up to 22 pts if I am working med room, then lunch at about 1am, which is my heaviest meal then a small snack before shift change. I tend to lean on proteins and fats during work because they keep me full and going on a rough shift.