Do you really 'lose' muscle or did it just shrink (and more)

tolygal Posts: 602 Member
So when we "lose muscle/lean tissues" does it really disappear from our body or does it just shrink? You know how they say fat cells never really go away once you gain them - they just shrink (or is that disproven now?) which I assume is part of why it's so easy to gain back the weight? Well, what about muscle? It's so hard to gain new muscle, but does it really go away once you have it?

So then a related question, take the case of a serious body builder type - when they stop pushing so hard, will all that muscle disappear or does it just shrink and they maintain the same basic body shape - just not as big?

And once I gain all this muscle back - do I keep pushing as hard to maintain it or do you go into some sort of maintenance phase where you just keep lifting the same weight to keep it?

I ask because I'm assuming that I've lost a significant amount of muscle while I've been trying to lose weight. But now I want to get it back. So - did it really leave my body or did it just shrink and I'm trying to build it back up again?

Is it easier to "get it back" than to build new muscle that was never there?

Does any of this make sense LOL?? I've been pondering this and decided to throw the question out here and see what I learn.


  • Steveeee
    Steveeee Posts: 62
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I think it really depends on how the muscle was lost. If it was because of atrophy, then yes it went away and will ne very hard to get back. If it was because of dieting, then it won't be so hard to get back.

    As far as maintaining muscle, I believe that will differ from person to person. In my case, if I try to lift the same weight for too long I start getting weak.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    This is a very good question.. I must do research, or ask my husband.

    I'm pretty sure to maintain muscle you just continue to work out. For women, I think once we reach the point where we have so much muscle we CAN'T build anymore, it just gets more dense? I don't know..

    I DO know that after I reach all of my fitness goals and try to get pregnant again, I will be maintaining the muscles I have with more calisthenic-type exercises than lifting heavy weights (when I reach the point where it's not safe to do so anymore).

    I'll ask my hubby and get back to you!
  • Kuniva
    Kuniva Posts: 8
    (prashley's husband)

    The subject you are inquiring about is known as muscle hypertrophy. There are different types, sometimes you can gain muscle strength without changing the size, and sometimes you can gain strength and size. Muscle tissue can be changed negatively in the same manner. Read this wiki article and it may help you understand a little bit more.

    edit: Also, if you lose muscle strength and mass, it doesn't really matter how, you will have to build back up to where you were. Once you reach a certain point in strength, it can be maintained with regular strength training. Changing your routine a bit (modifying a few exercises, trying some new things, etc) every 4-6 weeks is a great way to keep your body in prime condition.