Joined today

Hi I'm Kelly from the Uk, I'm hoping to lose 2 st for the summer. This app looks very good & hopefully it will help keep me motivated. Come & say Hi :)


  • Mischief_Fitness
    Mischief_Fitness Posts: 2 Member
    Hey. This app is fantastic and really easy to use. Lots of friendly ppl too. Welcome :)
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanx pleased to meet u
  • hscgirl13
    hscgirl13 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello Kelly! This app is great, esp. the community. I'm Juliana from Australia. Nice to meet you.
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Juliana lovely to meet I too
  • User-friendly site for sure. Used it last year for about 2 months and dropped the 10 lbs I needed to lose, then made the mistake of drifting away. Back today to lose that 10 again! If your goals are reasonable you can do it with consistency. Good luck!
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    10lbs in 2 months is great I'd be happy to achieve that, thanx
  • angelvamp63
    angelvamp63 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I'm new too ,I'm hoping to lose weight and get fit x
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Good morning, Kelly. I'm Lori. I've been utilizing this site/app for quite awhile. Not only did it benefit me in reaching my weight loss goals, it has been key with maintenance as well. All the best to you on your journey toward good health! :)
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    Great, let's hope we get motivated & lose some weight, nice to meet u
  • AJayy77
    AJayy77 Posts: 5 Member
    The app is great, just make sure that you record everything and stick to your goal and it'll help you achieve it. The advice I'd give is track all of your exercise to gain calories; walk places instead of driving if possible, though I live in the UK and the weather isn't always kind. Best of luck.
  • InigoM123
    InigoM123 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new as well, signed up 10 days ago and have just been lurking, getting the lay of the land if you will LOL.

  • mrod7557
    mrod7557 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there this app, is easy to use, welcome
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanx all I'm glad there are people out there in a similar boat & encouraging me to be motivated :)
  • corno11915
    corno11915 Posts: 8 Member
    MFP has helped me drop 45 pounds in a year. Gradual loss has helped me keep it off and I am determined to continue to me goal weight. Don't just diet - exercise - Zumba dancing and weights are both great!
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Hello everyone. Welcome to making 2015 a new you. Support and motivation Thats all we need. And laugher
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    How do I friend request? I know it's prob very simple but can't seem to find anything that wud let me thanx in advanced
  • desika8787
    desika8787 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome Kelly and all the other new followers :)

    good luck with all your weight loss or whatever you want to achieve :)

    I love this page/app not only because of tracking food... I have met wonderful people who have given me (and still do) lots of good advice, encouragement and support! :) whatever question I had so far there has always been a pro somewhere around :smiley:
  • desika8787
    desika8787 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello everyone. Welcome to making 2015 a new you. Support and motivation Thats all we need. And laugher

    Laughter and fun - Life would be sad without it :)
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi to both of u and thanx for making me welcome, cud either of u answer the question I asked previously thank you
  • ransaka
    ransaka Posts: 135 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP!
    If you’re just starting out I’d recommend reading these two threads as they contain good, honest information that will set you on the right track:

    To add friends click on the persons name and then select add as friend, it's the same on the website and the app :)