what r your excuses?



  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I'm struggling with my my excuses now. I have 2 kids, I am a stay at home mom and here is a play by play of my day
    Wake up at 9 am, fix breakfast for my 5 year old, feed my 6 month old then I eat and log here, then after 30 -45 mins or so I get up, clean the house for 30 mins to an hour, then I make my 5 year old lunch and feed my 6 month old, then lay him down for a nap. Which would be the perfect time to workout if the little demon would let me put him down but No I have to hold him until he wakes up 15 or 20 mins later. Then I get up and clean a little more (I'm OCD and clean all the time) I'm usually done doing all of this by about ..... 3 pm. I cook dinner between 5 and 6 pm, then I clean up after dinner, give the two kids and myself a shower and have them in bed by eight. The problem is between 3 and 5 I should be working out, and I don't. I hate my excuses but I still use them a lot. I want to lose weight so bad but most of the time I feel like its just a dream, and it will never be something I accomplish, another excuse! I tell myself I can't do it when I can i'm just not trying as hard as I should be.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    The fiscal cliff
  • celestinha
    celestinha Posts: 35 Member
    The excuse I most commonly end up using (though I try not to use any at all) is that it's hard for me to make time between going to school full-time and working 2 jobs. I need to be a lot better about it though!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I thought it was consensual.

    I didn't drug your drink, you just drank too much.

    It was sheepskin, that's why it felt natural.

    I thought she was single.

    You and your mom are the same body type, how could I know!

    You and your best friend are the same body type, how could I know!

    You and your sister are the same body type, how could I know!

    You and your pharmacologist are the same body type, how could I know!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Next time you're supposed to workout, and you don['t - ask yourself why you didn't and whatever BS answer you give yourself, you write it down.

    That's your excuse.

    You already used it, you can't use it again.

    Excuses are, when you get right down to it, basically just embarrassing yourself for no reason.
  • mooglexo
    I need caffeine. and specialty tea is better than having a chocolate bar. and if i don't spend the money on tea then I would spend it on something else. possibly worse
    and I cant go hiking because its too cold and snowy...
  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    I thought this was going to be one of those fun threads. I was going to say I'm insatiable...so I lay in my bed all day pouting and waiting. :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    khara2012 wrote: »
    I thought this was going to be one of those fun threads. I was going to say I'm insatiable...so I lay in my bed all day pouting and waiting. :)

    Lol - Thanks. Now I can get up and get going.
  • Sweetsluv
    Sweetsluv Posts: 2,260 Member
    Truth is with the free time I do have I'd sometimes rather be lazy.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I wouldn't say I call mine excuses... I screw up and then try not to beat myself up about it. The most common is probably, "I'll do it right tomorrow." But that's usually after I screw up, not before, so I suppose that's more of an affirmation to keep me from getting down.