2 months into my journey...

Hi Everyone!

I'm about 2 months and a week into my journey. This all started because my company makes us get a "health assessment" every year. Those numbers from our blood work, play a part in what kind of insurance options we are going to have come open enrollment. Well, my numbers weren't good. Between it, a family history of diabetes, my age and the fact that my size 16 jeans were getting tight on me; I was spurred into action.

I have been doing a variety of things.

First, let me talk about my diet. I had started out with a carb cycling diet, the one that Chris Powell talks about in his books. I think what he does is incredible. So, I thought I would start off with his recommendations. Well, I stuck with them for awhile. At about a month and a half into this process, I started to feel DRAINED. So, I stopped cycling and just started eating carbs every day, instead of every other day. I keep my calorie intake at between 1300 and 1500 a day. My BMR, right now, is 1350. On the days I only eat 1300 it is because I can't bring myself to put another bite in my mouth. I eat well, I do not starve. Though I try to eat 5 times a day, 4 meals a day is what I usually do. I eat so many veggies that I'm starting to feel like the variety isn't sufficient for me. But, I'm mentally working through this. I am not a salad eater, I don't care for salad, never have. So, I usually do some kind of meat (chicken or fish) and some kind of veggies. When I want carbs, I make some brown rice or have some whole grain bread. I think so far my diet has been pretty good. By the way, I don't really call it "being on a diet." This is my new lifestyle.

Second, the exercises have been a number of different things. A couple of years ago I had bought my husband P90X and myself TurboFire. 2 months ago when I started this journey, I started off doing both and doing only the videos that I like. After all, if we hate what we are doing, we won't stick with it. I don't like Yoga so those simply never come out of the case, ever! I would also do a walk/run combo on my treadmill from time to time. Eventually, my fitness level started to ramp up so much that I noticed my heart rate wasn't getting as high as it was when I first started. When this first started to happen, I would just do my best to push myself harder during my workouts. Well, that eventually didn't work anymore. That lead me to running on the treadmill more. I also ended up buying T25 and P90X3. I love the P90X3, a lot! T25, not so much. My husband feels the opposite of me on these two video sets, really it is about personal preference! I really love TurboFire, but I'm lucky if I can get my heart rate above 150 and keep it there for more than few beats and I'm pushing hard during those workouts. It just doesn't compare to running. Today, I went to a beautiful park near me and ran outside for the first time since I started this. OMG! My heart rate made it up into the 170's. I'll say, I thought I was going to die and cheer at the same time! woot! I had one helluva a runners high!!

I am down 28 pounds from where I started. I have 30 to go. My pants size is down from a 16 to a comfortable 12, but I can get into a 10. And depending on the brand, the 12 is big and the 10 fits great.

Losing it in KS!
