Need some friends

i have lost 43 pounds but i'm losing motivation. I have stopped exercising completely. I am not eating regular meals and over snacking by a ton of calories ( i had 800 calories of snacks yesterday). I feel as though i am going downhill and that i may most likely gain everything back. I would like a friend to have mfp social interactions with. You know things like commenting or liking diary entries and chatting.


  • abbylmoeller
    abbylmoeller Posts: 5 Member
    Don't give up! I've been there...If you have Facebook, there are such awesome accountability groups on there that I have found! I'm a Christian, and my biggest motivator and the biggest help for me is to quote out loud things like, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!", and " In Jesus name, I will NOT give in to junk food!" Lol it helps me so much! ;)
  • Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    You just need some added incentive.
    Come on you can do this its just a slip up but today is a new start go weigh yourself log it into here starting new here today you with me. As the future you will thank the you of today. As losing is better than added. Your gonna have that added bost your gonna tell yourself you need this you can do this, and if you dont get your bum into gear and moving. Your gonna go and throw a bucket of ice water over yourself. So whats it gonna be. Become a new skinny life loving you. Or wet and cold. Come on you can do this
  • andreamaucher
    andreamaucher Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations on 43 pounds gone! I also lost 40+ pounds a few years ago and managed to keep most of it off for a long while, but still never reached my goal weight. In the past 6-8 months, I've managed to put on a whole lot of weight, my pants barely button and I'm unhappy with me. I started this year with renewed focus and determination. I now have 26.8 pounds to lose to get to goal. My motivation is strongest Monday thru Friday, but I fall to pieces come the weekend... I'm still trying to figure that one out! Maybe we can help each other!?
  • julier62
    julier62 Posts: 22 Member
    I read a book the other day that said motivation is a myth. Just start doing whatever and the motivation will follow not the other way around. I have found this to be true. If I just start something it's easier to continue. Feel free to add me. The book was 20,000 Days and counting by Robert D. Smith. Very easy read. Very "motivational" ; )
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    You can do it! I lost about 30 pounds about a year and a half ago...then I let life get in the way and stopped it all...only to put it all back on. I've been battling back now for a few weeks but I am determined to make it stick! Feel free to add me (anyone who posts here!), I love having friends to keep me motivated. My diary is open and feel free to comment on it! Happy life changes everyone!
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    julier62 wrote: »
    I read a book the other day that said motivation is a myth. Just start doing whatever and the motivation will follow not the other way around. I have found this to be true. If I just start something it's easier to continue. Feel free to add me. The book was 20,000 Days and counting by Robert D. Smith. Very easy read. Very "motivational" ; )

    I wouldnt say that. Motivation is real. People get disheartened and give up. But if i put down €10,000 on the table right now your tell me you wont be motivated to climb 1,000 steps up a mountain? When you fill at your most lowest points
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Feel free to add me. I feel like I've been slipping up a lot since last summer. I had been doing so well and almost had 100 days logged consecutively and after a health scare, I lost my motivation. I have been trying to get myself back into the swing of things, but think I need someone to help prod me along.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    edited January 2015
    I see a common theme here... we've all lost a significant amount of weight and most have gained it back. For me it was 80lbs and over the past 2 years I've slowly gained it all back. I'm tired of beating myself up about it and ready to do something about it. I started back at MFP last Friday and already feel better. When I actively kept my food diary and was part of a tight group here on MFP it REALLY worked for me. Add me if you'd like support and motivation.

    @vahag718 - no unhealthy snacks today
    @walkonfire - love your motivation!
    @ptsmiles - I'll add you as a friend - we can get this thing going!
    @mylittleowl - keep it going - you got this
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Testing my ticker

  • vahag718
    vahag718 Posts: 17
    edited January 2015
    RENAEJAE wrote: »
    Testing my ticker
    it didn't show :( I'm going to test mine too in this post. lol my ticker didn't show either.