Two weeks down!

ab3381 Posts: 13 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello to everyone! I have been using Myfitnesspal for about two weeks now. I'm one of those back and forth dieters. I gain 20lbs, lose 10lbs, gain 5......well you get it! I'm trying to make a lifestyle change by eating better and exercising.

I have been doing really well with the eating (losing 9lbs in about three weeks) I am however having a hard time getting motivated to exercise. I could make a million excuses but really, I can't seem to get started. Hoping to find support and to give some! I always do better when held accountable. Good luck to everyone!


  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Hello there. welcome to the world of a new you.

    Wanna do a deal. You log in your work outs daily or you have to throw a bucket of ice water over yourself. Your future you will thank you for what you do here and now. And so no more excuses. you can always find time to workout. You can even do squats While waiting for the kettle to boil
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    Great going with the weight loss. motivation to work out is hard esp at first. I would suggest you don't go mad and think you have to do it everyday. I worked out what I could easily commit to - in my case I could commit to 3 times a week (anything more is a bonus) and I do those workouts every week and tick them off. I then looked at what I actually wanted/enjoyed doing so I found classes at the gym. but it could be anything.
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    This is why people fail at weight loss and get disheartened

    They work out to much to fast.
    They over weigh themselves and get depressed.

    People there is no quick fix. Its eat less. Move more and its time time time slow and steady. And lose at 1st your weight will drop big time. Then its slow and steady. Stick at it. And over time you will get there

    Eat like a 300 pound women be a 300 pound women
    Eat like a 130 pound women be that women but you will need time to become that 130 pound women
  • m4gh7
    m4gh7 Posts: 3
    I am the same way I always sort of go back and forth but now I feel great about myself, try planking im actually addicting to planking its a really good ab workout I do it 6 times a day 1 minute each!!
  • ab3381
    ab3381 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the replies and I think you are right. Small doable goals for now. Just get up and move! I feel motivated already.