
I've actually been using MFP for several years with awesome results, when I'm faithful :-P I was able to get down to almost 200 pounds (from 260) before life happened. I'm now 6 months pregnant and at 271. I was at 250 just prior to pregnancy and would to at least be back there after the baby is born. Right now I have my goals set to maintain my weight (250lbs) and after the baby I'm going to change it back to losing 2 pounds a week.


  • mnlutz7
    mnlutz7 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on your little one :) im new here, just joined yesterday. I was 236 pre preg. Got up to 272 while preg. 6 weeks post partum i was down to 234. Thank you breastfeeding!! Im stuck here and also hoping to lose 2lbs a week. Best wishes to you!
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks! I'm really hoping to breastfeed this little one and hope that helps me lose some of the baby weight!