Ordered les mills pump!

I'm excited to get les mills pump in the mail to incorporate it with t25. Does anyone have any feedback, tips or results their willing to share?!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I LOVE Pump! I did it while pregnant so no results for you but it's so much fun! Just start off with lighter weights for the first few days to see where you need to adjust to make it more of a challenge!

    Feel free to friend me! :)
  • hellsbells3272
    hellsbells3272 Posts: 128 Member
    Have you ever done pump with an instructor in a class?
    If not, I would be very very careful to look at and listen to technique tips given as instructors tend to be able to give teaching points/corrections to prevent you getting injuries.
    If you have, then you will have an idea how to do the exercises safely so my tip is to enjoy it and don't whap your bar into the tv or something!
  • Melissa72187
    Melissa72187 Posts: 68 Member
    Have you ever done pump with an instructor in a class?
    If not, I would be very very careful to look at and listen to technique tips given as instructors tend to be able to give teaching points/corrections to prevent you getting injuries.
    If you have, then you will have an idea how to do the exercises safely so my tip is to enjoy it and don't whap your bar into the tv or something!

    Lol no I haven't done classes so thanks for the heads up, and I'll stay far away from TV :)
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I LOVE Les Mills pump. I am starting week 3. No results yet, but it makes me feel incredible, strong and awesome. I can't wait to get through the whole program.
  • janeybabe2610
    janeybabe2610 Posts: 12 Member
    I do body pump every other day as its such a great exercise for burning fat and toning up and you will NOT bulk up as you need to be lifting heavy weights to do that, ive done years of classes in the past now i just do it at home while watching music channels and you feel so good afterwards just make sure you stretch before and after or you will feel it lol . Good Luck :D
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    Just got mine over the weekend and am starting tomorrow. I did 2 pump workouts last week that were inline, and I LOVED them. Going to do Pump 3 days and Combat 3 days.
  • qbredlipstick
    qbredlipstick Posts: 12 Member
    I started this week, feel free to add me for support!
  • Melissa72187
    Melissa72187 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the replies! Still waiting to get mine should be here tmrw !:) In the meantime t25 is kicking my butt!
  • impromark
    impromark Posts: 119 Member
    Also started this week, using a barbell set purchased over Christmas and coming off of P90X3 and T25 last year. I'm sore in all the right places. Good sign. :)

    For those who have been through this, and don't have all the fancy-schmancy calorie monitors, what are you logging in MPF? I see a "Les Mills Body Pump" entry, which is for the gym-based course. Good enough?

  • mamma1st
    mamma1st Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in week 2 of Pump. I've been incorporating Pump with C25K. I haven't decided yet if I like it or not. I like that the workouts are pretty short and I like the instructors and the music. But I've never used a barbell before and I'm finding it's not the most comfortable thing in the world. I have really small hands and I find by the end of a workout my hands and fingers are sore.

    And my one real complaint is there are times when the instructors have you hold the weight in your hand. The weight they have on the DVD is different than the weights that Beachbody shipped me. My weights only have two holes on them and it's impossible with my small hands to hold the weight comfortably. I've just been holding a dumbbell for those times which I'm assuming is okay.
  • BC1966
    BC1966 Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2015
    started last night.. loved it.. feel free to add me