Make new friends

hi I'm 34 just started me 3rd week (lost 2lb so far) 28lb to go!!

Looking for new friends so we can encourage & support each other


  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    Sent you a request.
  • DaisyChain80
    DaisyChain80 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi looking forward to getting to know you
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have 64 pounds to go but am highly motivated. And it helps me stay even more motivated to motivate others.
  • DaisyChain80
    DaisyChain80 Posts: 109 Member
    Don't know how to add ppl?? Will you add me please
  • richgirl81
    richgirl81 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me. My goal is to lose 30 I've lost 5.2 so far
  • hmcbride68
    hmcbride68 Posts: 72 Member
    You can add me if you want
  • You can add me too :)
  • crystrusty
    crystrusty Posts: 18 Member
    Add me as well please
  • DaisyChain80
    DaisyChain80 Posts: 109 Member
    For some reason I can't add you
  • Shimmysista
    Shimmysista Posts: 75 Member
    Looking for accountability buddies as well! Lost 70 pounds. Went on overnights and fell off the exercise and diet wagon for 3 months. Gained back 10 and starting a new!
  • McBoffin
    McBoffin Posts: 76 Member
    I accept most friend requests unless someone looks like a serial killer in their profile photo.
  • salad_bar
    salad_bar Posts: 66 Member
    Looking for more friends as well. I am highly motivated (this time around) and will help anyone stay motivated as well! I'm a poster child for letting life get in the way of bettering myself, so there have been countless times I've chosen to be lazy instead of hitting the gym.

    We can do this!
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    You can add me. I'm looking for new friends too. :)
  • Hi,

    My name is Daphne 27 years old and from the Netherlands, and I am really overweight. I need to lose about 30 kg to get into a healthy BMI. And i've been trying to lose weight for about 5 years now, constantly dieting and giving up. I would really like to get some online friends to support each other during the weightloss and fitness journey. I am not giving up this time!
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    FR sent!
  • DaisyChain80
    DaisyChain80 Posts: 109 Member
    How do I add ppl??? When I click on your picture or name nothing happens!!

    Feel free to add me x