heartjessa Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone.
I decide to become a vegan yesterday (I think I'm getting lactose intolerant). I also watched a documentary and it pretty much scarred me for life. I don't think I can eat meat for a while.

I weigh 184.4 and I would like to lose about 20 lbs by the end of march. I think it's a very ambitious goal but I think if I put my mind to it I can do it.

Any other vegans out there?


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    edited January 2015
    As you "think" you are lactose intolerant, you should get this confirmed by a physician.

    Being a vegan is a very dedicated lifestyle choice based on ethical values. Being vegan isn't just about quitting meat "for a while". It also means cutting all dairy and eggs, biproducts such as gelatine, and insect products such as honey, shellac and cochineal. It also means not using animal products in your clothing (e.g. leather and wool) and body/hair care products. It should not be regarded as a way to help you reach your weightloss goal.

    If you are indeed committed to the vegan lifestyle then make sure you are well versed on nutrition to ensure you do not lack in any vital nutrients.

    It certainly is possible to be a healthy vegan, but it does require some planning. Make sure you have an adequate intake of iron and vitamin B12 (commonly deficient in vegetarians and vegans). Also be aware of different vegan protein sources and be sure to eat a range of them to ensure you get all of the essential amino acids.

    Finally, check out the Groups section of MFP as there are several vegetarian and vegan groups.
  • nataliebordeauxx
    nataliebordeauxx Posts: 94 Member
    Every... single... thing KarenJanine said :#
  • Alysia82
    Alysia82 Posts: 67 Member
    I hope your vegan journey has been coming along great. I am at the start of mine as well and learning everyday