No-Grain Diet

Has anyone read Dr. Mercola's book "The No-Grain Diet"...just wondering what your thoughts were on this. I've been off sugar for a month now - and ran across this book. I have it ordered - but haven't read it yet. I'm just looking for recipes that I don't have to 'tweak'....I want some tried-and-true no grain / no sugar recipes. Thanks!


  • craigc155
    Has anyone read Dr. Mercola's book "The No-Grain Diet"...just wondering what your thoughts were on this. I've been off sugar for a month now - and ran across this book. I have it ordered - but haven't read it yet. I'm just looking for recipes that I don't have to 'tweak'....I want some tried-and-true no grain / no sugar recipes. Thanks!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I've never read the book. But I would have to ask WHY you are chosing that? No grains? Unless it's for medical reasons and under doctor supervision it sounds like a really bad idea. And NO sugar either? so what do you eat then? only meats? Cause fruits, veggies and dairy all contain sugar... yep, doesn't sound like a very good idea to me.
  • craigc155
    I eat sugar in fruits - just no added sugar. No honey, brown sugar, white sugar, molasses, etc. I also do NO artificial sweeteners - they just can't be good for you! The "no grains" is new for me - and that is why I ordered the book. It's all about white rice, pasta, bread, etc. Whole-grains are ok, I believe. Since being off of added-sugar - I really haven't eaten bread or pasta, etc. - hard to find something to eat with flour, but no sugar! I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables - some meat. I eat lentils and quinoa a lot. I also eat almonds, cashews, walnuts. Not sure how that can be a bad idea....
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sounds like he is copying Atkin's to me with a new spin. You can buy Atkins books for a $1 on Amazon but I am a product of low carb and yes you can call it what you want but if you are eating no grain then you are eating only carbs in veggies and fruits so Atkin's it is. I weigh 371 and have low carbed on and off most of my life. It does not work in the long term becasue the body needs the vitamins and carbs in grains. Just a thought.:flowerforyou:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    it sounds like the way you are eating-if you can incormporate more WHOLE grains is super healthy. True Nature's Own whole grain bread-its got no added sugar
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    :huh: That's a really misleading title for a book then. why don't they call it "whole grains diet" or "say no to white bread" or something. hmmmm.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So it's not no grain, it's no processed foods. Which is a Fine idea for the most part. I couldn't imagine a world with no sugar or no whole grain. That would suck.
  • craigc155
    Yes - from what I understand - the title "No Grain" is misleading....which led to my original question as to if anyone had read it. Was just wondering if anyone had read it - and what their thoughts were. As far as "no sugar"...I eat natural sugar (like fruits) - and can sweeten things w/ agave nectar because it's a low-glycemic food. I use it rarely - because I think I've just become accustomed to things that aren't sugared up! I had a HUGE sweet tooth - but being off sugar now for 4-5 weeks, seems to have curbed it. Never thought I could do it - and I don't think I'll live forever w/out sugar - but just something I'm experimenting with.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Sounds like he is copying Atkin's to me with a new spin. You can buy Atkins books for a $1 on Amazon but I am a product of low carb and yes you can call it what you want but if you are eating no grain then you are eating only carbs in veggies and fruits so Atkin's it is. I weigh 371 and have low carbed on and off most of my life. It does not work in the long term becasue the body needs the vitamins and carbs in grains. Just a thought.:flowerforyou:

    Your body doesn't need carbs from grains...................

    And the grains that these food producers make are stripped of there nutrients anyway..............

    I feel so much better being grain free. The ONLY grain I can eat without any ill effects is Oats..........

    I have a gluten and wheat intolerance on top of being diabetic. Atkins and Low Carb are the only way for me to go...............

    I am getting as close to organic as possible - As I can afford it. Eating organic fruits and veggies is very expensive.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Yes - from what I understand - the title "No Grain" is misleading....which led to my original question as to if anyone had read it. Was just wondering if anyone had read it - and what their thoughts were. As far as "no sugar"...I eat natural sugar (like fruits) - and can sweeten things w/ agave nectar because it's a low-glycemic food. I use it rarely - because I think I've just become accustomed to things that aren't sugared up! I had a HUGE sweet tooth - but being off sugar now for 4-5 weeks, seems to have curbed it. Never thought I could do it - and I don't think I'll live forever w/out sugar - but just something I'm experimenting with.

    You are on the right path...................You are on the path of clean eating with little or no processed foods!!!

    In Dr Atkins books he says that if you feel better without the grains, are losing weight, get a good sleep and your over all well being is much better. It is possible that you have grain intolerances............

    Nothing wrong with taking things out of your eating to test the waters to see if you have food intolerances.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I eat sugar in fruits - just no added sugar. No honey, brown sugar, white sugar, molasses, etc. I also do NO artificial sweeteners - they just can't be good for you! The "no grains" is new for me - and that is why I ordered the book. It's all about white rice, pasta, bread, etc. Whole-grains are ok, I believe. Since being off of added-sugar - I really haven't eaten bread or pasta, etc. - hard to find something to eat with flour, but no sugar! I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables - some meat. I eat lentils and quinoa a lot. I also eat almonds, cashews, walnuts. Not sure how that can be a bad idea....

    Ezechiel bread is a sprouted grain bread. I use Trader Joe's Sprouted grain it is flourless and sugar free.
  • craigc155
    Thanks for the recent posts - at the beginning I was starting to think I was doing something wrong. I just get on "tangents" and stick with them for awhile. I've lost over 100 lbs. in the last few years - and am trying to get off the last 10. Just trying to make healthier choices. Our bodies do not need sugar - and coming from me - that is saying something! I feel like I'm eating more now than a month ago when I had sugar. Cashews are my new candy - and I'm just enjoying the changes - in how I feel and look. Still haven't gotten the book - but am anxiously awaiting it!
  • CJG85
    CJG85 Posts: 9
    I'm trying this diet but with no grains at all. It's not the sugar i'm finding hardest to give up it's the salt. Although I've not bought the book. I spoke to a nutritionalist and he said it was a good idea. I've been doing it for three weeks now and i havn'y lost any weight. Did everyone else loose weight quickly or is there something wrong with me. Also are salt replacements expensive?
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    CJG- I have found the salt doesn't matter if you are not eating the grain. The grains are what keep you bloated and the lower carb result of the diet is diuretic in itself so the salt is not as important. I took it further with no starchy carbs except a couple days a week and it has worked for me. Check out the Primal Blueprint, he has a free site with all the details and recipes.