Not losing as fast as I thought---Or am I just impatient?

5 lbs down as of today. I thought for sure since I am 5'5 195lbs that the weight would be slipping off of me. Am I doing something incorrectly or is it just impatience?


  • skinnyjeans13
    skinnyjeans13 Posts: 179
    5lbs in how long?
  • BrookeEspinosa
    I am having the same problem. I started the 30 day shred over a week ago, and still doing taebo every other day. This week I thought I would lose a good amount, but guess what?! Only .8 pounds. What a disappointment. I am 5'3" and 185. So I thought cutting back my calories and exercise would melt the fat right off. But no. I'm only 29 so my metabolism shouldn't be slow should it. I' m with you. At least we know that we are not alone. Don't give up though! Hopefully someone will reply with some good info!
  • Jalachri
    Jalachri Posts: 47
    Hmm hard to say cuz I started out at 155 and lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks! 5 lbs is better than nothing and my friend is doing the same thing i am and she is loseing really slowly. Just be patient :)
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    You might be gaining muscle. On my first week of the 30DS I lost .2 lbs. Your body just needs to build the muscle to boost your metabolism. I struggled with being patient when I first started! Since March 1st I've lost 17 lbs :) It will come, just keep working at it and remember that you're doing it to be happy in the long term and it makes everything worth it!
  • petraann
    petraann Posts: 20 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have found many plateaus along this journey. The slower the better, anyway, for long term weight management. Perhaps you are building more muscle too. Hang in there and work through the plateaus. I only AVERAGE 1lb a week yet I am on track for 1.5lb weight loss. Oh well, 1lb is better than nothing at all. Remain strong and keep at it.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Not sure how long it's taken you to lose the 5lbs. But, that aside....
    It's hard to get a gauge of what your eating since you "quick add" calories a lot. It's quite possible that you are underestimating what you eat. I highly suggest weighing everything and only quick add when you really can't avoid it.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    It is only recommended to lose 1-2 pounds/per week in a healthy manner. I think you're doing just fine. I always notice a chance in size before pounds (especially when exercising/strength training).
  • sonjon
    sonjon Posts: 3 Member
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I know what you mean....I have lost 8lbs in 7 weeks with the last 3lbs this week....and I too, thought, geez, I am a big girl, it should be coming off like crazy! Everybody is dfferent I guess....metabolism wise and lil plateaus. Stick with cuz it is working!!! Hang in there!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    In how long? And are you calories "quality" Also try measuring, you may be loosing inches quickly. Make sure you are drinking your water!

    All very important to our health
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Five pounds in a week (judging by your diary) is perfectly acceptable. 1 to 2 pounds a week is what you should see. Too fast and it won't stay off. Try to keep your calories above 1200, maybe?
  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    How many weeks have you been trying to lose weight? If it is only a week or 2 then you are doing great IMO.

    I am impatient. I did so well the first month (10#) that I thought I could lose 10# EVERY month if I kept doing what I did the first month. I had plans to be at my goal weight by my birthday in September! Probably not a realistic goal... :) It took me 6 weeks to lose the next 10#. The last 2# just came off this week. Along the way though, I am learning how my body responds to food and exercise so MAYBE the next 10# will come off as fast as the first 10# did.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    Be day at a time. Stay on track and good things will follow :happy:
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would say to add more protein, you are not meeting that goal and that is important for you body.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Have you lost inches? I was 242lbs, and am 5"6. In the 1st 3 weeks, I lost nothing in terms of weight, but I said goodbye to 4 inches! 3 from my waist and 1 from my hips.

    You may be building muscle,and may have lost inches.
  • Slaying_All_Day
    Slaying_All_Day Posts: 12 Member
    I've been working on it for 2 1/2 weeks, but I started really focusing on it more this week. I'm not sure what you mean by "quality" calories. I've been eating hard-boiled eggs w/yolk, salad, and sandwiches. Sadly I haven't measured my inches yet so it could be that. I just started jogging at 4 mph on the treadmill. MFP thinks I should be briskly walking that, but my legs can only keep up if I jog!

    Thank you for calming my fears everyone. I'm just worried my metabolism is a bit slow from all of my interesting weight-loss tactics I used a year ago.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    5 lbs in 2.5 weeks is just right if you are on schedule to lose 2lbs a week.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    That is a nice amount for the time, as for metabolism, as you get more active it will get higher!

    I can only keep up at 4.o if I jog as well!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Impatient!! :laugh:
    Losing 1-2 pounds a week is healthy, and will help you keep the weight off. When I was actively losing weight, it took me about 15 months to lose 72 pounds.....about 5 pounds a month. I've kept off over 60 of it for almost four years, and know part of the reason was because I took the TIME to do it slowly. In all honestly, I was probably too light at my lowest weight, but I would like to range between 130-135, instead of the 135-140 that I am currently. SO....back at it.....but mainly into maintenance mode now.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I am about the same weight and loss has been very slow but I have lost 16 inches. I try not to get too stressed out as I think I build muscle pretty quickly. I am on day 5 of 30DS and my arms are much more toned. Stick with it. As they say slowly, slowly catchy monkey. :)