My little list of excuses

I signed up for MFP today. Before I signed up, I thought of all of my excuses. All of the reasons I have not to be successful in becoming healthier. I said becoming healthier, I am sure weight loss will be a welcomed accompaniment but I just want to feel better, I am aware I need to lose weight so I bounce between "be healthy" and "lose weight". It is not "politically correct" to say "lose weight" anymore, right? You "Become healthier!" and "Make lifestyle changes!". Perhaps it would benefit me to say I want to lose weight and welcome the accompaniment of a healthier lifestyle based on making changes. If I'm going to keep it real, that would be a good start.
My list of excuses is extensive. Each one providing me a little escape from becoming who I want to be. Along with lifestyle changes, I am going to have to overcome the excuses I have made for myself. It is sure to be challenging - do I like challenges? I can't remember, it has been so long since I genuinely challenged myself.
So, with much ado and lots to do, here is my list of excuses:

1. I'm 43 - knocking on 44. Everybody knows It's harder to lose weight the older you get.
2. I'm postmenopausal. A hysterectomy at 32. Everybody knows it's harder to lose weight after menopause.
3. I am a smoker. I hate smoking, but I do. Everybody knows that you gain weight when you quit smoking.
4. I have hypothyroidism. Everybody knows it's harder to lose weight when your thyroid is underactive.
5. I don't have a strong support system. The DH is not interested in making changes in anyway. Everybody knows you have to have a strong support system.
6. My job, in fact most aspects of my life, are very stressful right now. Everybody knows stress makes you gain weight.
7. I have financial problems right now - recuperating from holiday time off for husband and a couple of boomerang kids are draining on the bank account. Everybody knows that it is more expensive to be healthy.

So there you have it. There I have it. I had to put it in writing so that I could acknowledge all of the fears (right? Isn't that really what they are - fears?) By keeping those locked inside, I give myself permission to fail.
I shall now release those fears straight into the universe now. I think..I hope. I sincerely hope this gives me peace of mind and frees me from those worries. I have bared my soul to the www.
No, is awesome I have done this. Now I can truly move forward to become the me I want to be...I said with a scared and hesitant smile.


  • reesrachel00
    Oh Cindy I am sorry but I had to giggle at your post, not in a negative way but how it was fantastically written and how I nodded at a few of your excuses. You have made the first step.Day 1 for me too
  • celtictiger73
    celtictiger73 Posts: 7 Member
    and.....then she deactivated her account?
  • CindyVer2015
    :smile: It makes me giggle too. Not deactivated.......yet anyway.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    edited January 2015
    It shows deactivated if we click your name..
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Welcome and I know you can do this!! Listing those excuses are great and freeing but none of those excuses are really going to prevent from losing weight. I am 54, menopausal and was a smoker but I have reached my goal weight, much to my disbelief. Track your calories, log honestly(use a food scale) and get a little exercise is all you need for success. Have faith in yourself and best wishes :)
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Sure does... which is a bummer because that was DEFINITELY my kind of humor. Everybody knows humor is super important. You're awesome. Please fix your account and let's be friends!
  • CindyVer2015
    I am cracking up - I wonder if it is a sign? I did the email verification, logged in, logged out........ Any suggestions?
  • hmcbride68
    hmcbride68 Posts: 72 Member
    Yeah, that's too bad because the attitude is priceless
  • reesrachel00
    Glad it wasnt nothing I said hahaha. No I noticed that deactivation thing before I commented, decided to comment anyway incase you reactivated. I am glad its just a glitch, is there a message board for problems, my day 1 too so don't know if there is
  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
    If you ever get it activated again, I'd love if you'd add me. :)
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Very last option listed on the main page is technical support/help so they should get you up and running soon.
  • jadumz
    jadumz Posts: 80 Member
    Oh shush, you with all your excuses! You know yourself they are just excuses ;) you can do it lady!
  • CindyVer2015
    Right?! :D I can totally do this.... But first I have to get ACTIVated. haha I have emailed them and completed the troubleshooting stuff.
  • jadumz
    jadumz Posts: 80 Member
    Just tried adding you as a friend, you still don't exist haha maybe you have your profile display as private so only friends can view your profile?
  • CindyVer2015
    I checked my profile to make sure and it says "members of mfp".
  • CindyVer2015
    I got an email back that says I should exist now. LOL Do I?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I got an email back that says I should exist now. LOL Do I?

    You do and yay!!
  • jadumz
    jadumz Posts: 80 Member
    Congrats you're a real member!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    1. I'm 43 - knocking on 44. I started when I was 54.
    2. ...Everybody knows it's harder to lose weight after menopause....I'm pre-menopausal. Still hard, LOL.
    3. ...Everybody knows that you gain weight when you quit smoking....Once. And then you are done. The lungs will start clearing up right away. Maybe start with quitting smoking first.
    4. ...Everybody knows it's harder to lose weight when your thyroid is underactive. Yup. Gotta stay on top of that.
    5. I don't have a strong support system.... The new thinking is you need resiliency. A resilient person will find support. And you have. MFP, here we come.
    6. ...Everybody knows stress makes you gain weight. Seriously, I've found this great book, Stress Management for Dummies by Allen Elkin, PHd, that is full of great tips. A super easy one is to do some deep breathing once in a while.
    7. .... boomerang kids ....boomerang kids can pay rent. Everybody knows that it is more expensive to be healthy. Some of my favourite threads here are how to eat well on a budget.
  • CindyVer2015
    Thanks y'all!