
I am so depressed ...I m size 20 n want to be size 6....i have tried so many things but nothing worked...Plz some one help me

I only eat 5 meals a day and still dont loose weight...I have stopped having chocolates on sunday but still i dont loose weight...
I have started going to gym once a week for 30 min but still dont loose weight...
plz plz some one help me
I need help thats what ppl have told me


  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Open your food diary. Can't help if I can't see what you're eating.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Without trying to sound horrible, its not going to happen overnight. I started out as a 24, and am now an 18/20 after 3 months.

    I feel SOOOOOOOOO much better, but you need to accept that it is a long process. You WILL get there though!

    How long have you been using MFP for? If you have just started, keep going with it, and you will see results.

    Best of luck, and feel free to friend me :smile:
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    I think it's totally true that weight loss and looking good is 80% diet and 20% exercise! Do you mind opening your food diary? Good luck and don't give up! It really does take time, persistence and patience. ;)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    We are all on this Journey together ~! I will send you a friends request !
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    It would be helpful to be able to see your food diary which you can make public. Personally I found cutting out white flour, and white sugar products very helpful. Also get away from processed foods and eat fresh vegetables and fruits, with lean meats and dairy. Working out was my weak link, but I still lost weight working out for 30-50 minutes 2x a week by cleaning up my eating habits. Hopefully you are drinking lots of water and not sweet drinks. It is a slow process so don't expect to become size 6 anytime soon. I am sure it took years to become a size 20. It took me 8 months to go from a size 14 to 8 working at it diligently each day. Just take it one meal at a time, one day at a time and stay focused on your goal. You will feel so much better and be more happy with yourself too. Hang in there!
  • jessiecrow
    jessiecrow Posts: 7
    quite often its about what you are eating and the portion sizes.
    cutting carbs after lunch is a good idea.
    cutting sodas and fizzy drinks.
    cutting naughty snacks and replacing them with fruit and veggies is another.
    exercise 5 times a week for 30mins should give you a boost also.
    dont be depressed, focus on what you want and work your *kitten* off for it, theres no other way than hard work.
    most importantly, if you slip, dont just give in, think it was something you needed to do and get back on the wagon again. this is something i have a problem with.
  • misslys9304
    misslys9304 Posts: 17
    i know how you feel but don't give up. you really need to count the calories you are eating everyday and see if that is on par with your recommended amount. i've been very strick with my diet and have seen results but it just takes some time. also try to workout because that helps sooo much with depression.
  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    I felt like you yesterday. I've been overweight my whole life. My weightloss has been slow too. You will learn a lot on this website. Hang in there. Go for a walk, have a good cry. I promise it will make you feel better.
  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    I understand. It's way hard. when I started my weight loss I weighed 235, and was a size 20. Now, a year and a half later, I am down to 199ish (I'm bouncing around here currently) and can fit into a 14. It takes a LONG time. But if you take it off slowly there is less of a chance to put it back on. I have been battling my weight ever since I was a kid, and I have tried so many diets that would take weight off quickly but I would then gain it back just as quickly. And many times I'd gain more. :( I know that not seeing a weight drop can negatively effect you and make you just want to give up, but don't. This site is very helpful and you WILL get the results you want, it just might take awhile. Feel free to add me as a friend, I will be there for you whenever you start to feel this way again. Good luck (((hugs)))
  • sdirbder
    sdirbder Posts: 159 Member
    I am sorry you are having difficulties. I read a forum not too long about about how long it takes to lose a clothing size and some people dont lose a size until -20 lbs. It is different for everybody. Keep up the hard work. It will pay off.
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    Jump start your exercise and maybe aim for 3-5 days with 30+ min. Also a Heart Rate monitor will tell you the exact calorie burn as that is much more accurate way to tell. I agree---it will not happen overnight. Good luck!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    Start slow. Staying on track with the site really helped me. You really have to be focused and log every bite. Because everything adds up. Focus on the kinds of food you eat too. 1200 cals of fruit/veggies/healthy food is much better thatn 1200 cals of McDonalds. Maybe increase exercise? It's starting to stay nice outside maybe go for a walk.

    I started at a size 18 after I had my second child. Im a size 10 now. Im only about 15 lbs away from my goal. But because I've had kids my body doesn't look the same. When I was 20 at 115 and 31 at 115 is totally different!
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    Sounds like you need some tuff love to me. I am going to say a few things that you may not like, but in the long run is probably what you need. First of all lets not even have 5 meals a day, let alone say the word " only ". And its hard to come on here and ask for help and say that you have tried everything and that that you have even given up chocolates on sundays. I would start by giving up the chocolates all together, and then ask why your diet isnt working. I like the fact that you are going to the gym so keep that up. Open your diary for all to see. That just keeps you honest with yourself and others. Next turn that 30 minutes into 45 at the gym and keep increasing as you get fitter. Losing weight is hard, and it should be otherwise everyone would be skinny and no one would get praise when you lose it. Stop the poor me attitude and get out there and work it off. Losing weight is simple math. 3500 cals equal one pound. Create a deficit either by less going in your mouth, or more being burned off. Please dont find this offensive and in fact you can add me as a friend if you would like some honest support.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Try to add in more work out time, it will up your metabolism. If you open your diary we can see and give some suggestions. Make sure that those meals are healthy. I can eat 1200 calories a day but if they are crap then my weight is not going to come off as well as if I eat healthy calories. There are lots of things, if you feel that you are truly doing everything right then it is time for a check up with your doctor.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I am so depressed ...I m size 20 n want to be size 6....i have tried so many things but nothing worked...Plz some one help me

    I only eat 5 meals a day and still dont loose weight...I have stopped having chocolates on sunday but still i dont loose weight...
    I have started going to gym once a week for 30 min but still dont loose weight...
    plz plz some one help me
    I need help thats what ppl have told me

    Wow, I would have sworn I was reading my own words from a year ago..
    I'm going to send this to you as a friend request as well.

    I'm down 100 pounds and still have more to go, but while it doesn't happen overnight, it CAN and WILL happen for you.
    We will help.
    We want to help.
    If you are open to it we will provide you with meal ideas, snack ideas, etc.
    We can provide motivation and support and a "virtual" shoulder to lean on when you want it or need it...

    Let us help and pretty soon you'll be on here talking about how you WERE a 20 and now you are here to help all of those who feel like they can't do it...
  • BrookeReneshelle
  • BrookeReneshelle