
My name is Sheenz I'm 42, I have been on fitness pal for a while but not really made any difference just basically yoyoing. I am getting married this year and I'm determined not to be a blob in a wedding dress.
I joined the gym last week and I was there every day I did really well, the only problem it was made only to clear tomyself how fat and unfit I really am.
#feeling very sad or
#is it just January blues or
#am I meant to be fat forever


  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    edited January 2015
    You're definitely not meant to be fat forever. EVERYBODY starts somewhere and the most amazing success stories start with someone who could barely do any exercise (in my opinion).

    Not that mine even compares to some of the incredible stories on here, but when I started I could barely run .25 miles without stopping. This year I ran a half marathon (13.1 miles).

    You CAN do this. Believe it.

    Here's my small tidbits of advice. Follow these and you'll rock it:

    1) Every single choice is between what you want to be and where you are. Want that ONE donut worse than you want to be fit? Want that extra hour sleep instead of what you want to look like in your wedding dress? You are choosing every single day, many times per day to be wherever you are (and where you're going). Some people do cheat days or whatever, it didn't work for me. Every choice is about your goal.

    2) Even though it can be a deadline / goal, DO NOT make this about the wedding dress only. Change your life for the healthier so that you're around to see your 40th wedding anniversary to this guy. Don't change to the super extreme, do something you could maintain for the rest of your life :smile:

    3) If you have a bad day, don't let it carry to the next. Each day is a new chance to get to your goal. Forget and move on.

    GO GET EM! :smile: You've got this!
  • sheenzo
    sheenzo Posts: 3 Member
    Aw ty, that has gave me hope, you are a very kind person.
  • sheenzo
    sheenzo Posts: 3 Member
    Well done on your half marathon you are a true inspiration
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    Any time :smile:
  • Zombierawr
    Zombierawr Posts: 95 Member
    My biggest struggle was to find an exercise that didn't make me feel ridiculous or self-conscious. Tennis was, surprisingly that sport. I started playing at a low level, and have worked my way up to being pretty good!

    And then this past year I started hiking. The amazing thing about hiking is that 1. it doesn't hurt my joints, 2. you can go as slow as you want and still be pushing yourself, and 3. the views are almost ALWAYS worth it. I went on 15 hikes last year.

    There are times at the gym that I feel incredibly self-conscious, and that's normal. I got a great gym buddy about a month ago, and anytime I feel weird, she dances like a fool.

    I still struggle with food, but I am getting there. And you will too! I hope that helps some.