Zig-Zagging Help

melzteach Posts: 550 Member
I'm interested and what to know how do you do it? Do you change your MFP calories everyday or leave them set and go above and below? What are your daily goals? Do you exercise and if so, what program?
I'm doing Turbo Fire and according to the calculations in their exercise and nutrition guide I'm set at 1200. I'll usually eat all but 200 calories, give or take. I burn anywhere from 450-1000 calories per workout.
What does your daily calorie intake look like? Help is appreciated!


  • nudacris
    nudacris Posts: 25
    Carb/calorie cycling works for me. All the info can be found here:

    http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm (click on 7-day calorie cycle after you input your data)

    I do it with P90X. You can look at my diary for an example I guess. For me, it's:

    Resistance training days = higher carbs/calories
    Cardio days = lower

    Keep mixing it up so your body never adapts and keeps burning fat.
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428
    "...the most effective nutritional technique for fat loss ever developed!

    Every time you cut calories below your maintenance level, it’s never long before
    your body recognizes the deficit and adjusts your fat burning thermostat so fewer calories are burned. The larger the drop in calories and the longer the drop is maintained, the bigger the drop will be in metabolism.

    Your body is an amazing machine that is remarkably adaptable to any situation or environment. Your body likes to stay in a state of equilibrium and will always fight your efforts to change. Fortunately, there is a way you can “trick” your body into keeping your metabolic rate up while you’re dieting for fat loss – It’s called the zig zag method and it’s without question the most powerful fat burning technique ever developed.

    You must have a deficit to lose fat, but what you don’t want is a large deficit for a
    long period of time. The way to “outsmart” your body’s starvation response is to avoid prolonged calorie deficits. You simply drop into a calorie deficit for a brief period of three days, then – before your body has a chance to decrease your metabolic rate– you raise your calories back up to maintenance level (or even above maintenance) for one to three days. You then repeat this process until you reach your desired body fat percentage.

    Some bodybuilders zig zag their calories completely at random and this seems to be effective for them. Other people use low, medium and high days in a pyramid fashion. My research, based on personal coaching programs with over 600 clients and on 14 years of competitive bodybuilding experience, has shown conclusively that the zig zag method works best in three day cycles. When your calories are kept in a large deficit more than three days, that’s when your metabolic rate starts to dip. By raising your calories every fourth day, you spike your metabolism and the starvation mode never fully kicks in.

    Here’s how the zig zag method works: You will use two separate menu plans –
    one high calorie day, and one low calorie day. Your low calorie day will be initially set at 15-20% below your maintenance level. Your high calorie day will be initially set at your maintenance level. You will then “cycle” your calories on a three days down, one day up rotation as follows:

    Basic “zig zag” rotation

    Low calorie days (15-20% below TDEE): 2240 calories – 3 days
    High calorie days (maintenance level): 2800 calories – 1 day

    Adjustments in calories may need to be made according to your weekly results, and some experimentation is usually necessary before you find your correct numbers. For example, to accelerate fat loss, you could create a larger deficit of 25-30% for the low days and a 10% deficit on the high days. 30% is a large reduction, but as long as you raise your calories every fourth day, your metabolism won’t be affected. If loss of LBM ever becomes a problem, you can raise the number of calories you consume on your high days, or you can even take two or three high calorie days in a row (a three-down, two up or
    three down, three up rotation)

    Accelerated fat loss zig zag rotation

    Low calorie days (30% below TDEE): 1960 calories – 3 days
    High calorie days (maintenance level): 2520 calories – 1 day

    Zig zag rotation to prevent lean body mass loss

    Low calorie days (15-20% below TDEE): 2240 calories – 3 days
    High calorie days (5% over maintenance level): 2940 calories – 3 days

    The zig zag method is without question, the most effective method of fat loss ever developed. It is also one of the best-kept secrets of the world’s best natural bodybuilders and fitness models. Bodybuilders frequently use this method prior to competitions to help strip their bodies of all visible fat while maintaining their lean body mass. This method is also effective for breaking plateaus, accelerating slow fat loss, maintaining lean body mass and preventing sluggish metabolisms from slowing down further.

    The zig zag method is also great way to make a reduced-calorie nutrition plan work most effectively for an endomorph or “slow-metabolism” body type who tends to lose fat slowly and with great difficulty."

    this is was taken from the book "burn the fat, feed the muscle" by author and body builder tony venutos, hope this helps!
  • heatherfrancis
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Do you change your MFP calories everyday or leave them set and go above and below? What does your daily calorie intake look like?
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428
    Im actually zig-zagging at the moment but i leave them set, and i look for net calories, but this is my first week so we'll see how that method works or if i should be looking at just cals in alone.
  • dublvision2
    dublvision2 Posts: 39
  • kbean33
    kbean33 Posts: 50
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Whereas I really appreciate your response myfavoritesugar it was a bit too much information and I still don't understand. I found two online calculators that give the same info but I guess what I'm not understanding is do I leave my daily calories at 1200.

    With the Turbo Fire worksheet that I've done I've set my daily calories at 1200 and then add whatever I exercise, which is anywhere from 450-1000. I'll then usually eat all but 100-200 calories. These calculators say

    8X my body weight:
    1312 / 1476 / 1312 / 1476 / 1312 / 1476 / 1312
    This seems a bit too low for what my average daily burn is.

    11X my body weight:
    1804 / 1968 / 1640 / 1968 / 1640 / 1968 / 1640
    These numbers seems a bit too high for what my average daily burn is.
  • concealedpearl
    if you use this website below, follow their recommended zig zag and then add in your exercise calories each day on top of what they give you and eat them back.

  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    if you use this website below, follow their recommended zig zag and then add in your exercise calories each day on top of what they give you and eat them back.


    So let me get this straight. I eat what the calculator says AND ALL of my exercise calories?
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Okay my sister-in-law had to call me and explain it but I think I've got it now. I'm going to use: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
    - According to that calculator my results are: maintenance: 2290/day ~ fat loss: 1832/day ~ extreme fat loss: 1374/day
    - My daily caloric goals are average of 1312, which is what I'll set my MFP daily goal at.

    Other than that, this is what I'll continue to do in my weight loss journey:
    1. Follow MFP's calorie allowance for my goal
    2. Eat back my exercise calories
    3. Eat back my exercise calories (bears repeating)
    4. Measure everything (food scale for intake, HRM for burns)
    5. Drink AT 8 cups of water per day
    6. Watch my sodium intake (drink more water if you go over too much on sodium)
    7. Zig Zag calories, daily goals will be: 1374 / 1312 / 1649 / 1374 / 1312 / 1512 / 1374.
    8. Continue strength and cardio training (Turbo Fire)

    I feel like such an idiot for not understanding something that is easy. This stuff is quite confusing for someone who is NOT a math and science aficionado. I hope this works and doesn't get confusing again **fingers crossed**
  • concealedpearl
    Good luck...let us know how it goes.