Diabetic + c-sections = over weight

hi, I'm 28 yrs old. Have two kiddies and overweight. Anyone in the same boat had any success losing weight?


  • I'm currently losing, but I feel your pain on the csections I've had two and this muffin top has to go! I'm doing everything possible Hip Hop Abs, 30day ab challenge, Flat Belly diets, and cardio of course. Good luck to you girl!
  • I had a cs in 2012 and still fight the muffin top. Had a VBAC in September and lost that baby weight quickly, but am now currently working on the other weight!
  • Sound good ladies. I can't do much of the abs excercise as the epidural's I had have messed up my back .
  • cabutler13
    cabutler13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, totally there with you and it CAN be done. I'm 1mth postpartum my 2nd csection. I went from 155 to 190s with baby#1, made it to 165 and went back up all the way to 215 with baby #2. I had a csection and it took forever to recover but I made it back to 155 after 1.5 yrs then just had #3 via csection. I gained 42 lbs this pregnancy. Best advice...get on here everyday after every meal, eat more veggies and fruit than anything else. I found that if I wanted a treat I'd get it and make myself split it into 2 servings. Half a candy bar now, the other half tomorrow AFTER I worked out. Its really a mind thing...I'd eat because the kids were eating....or I'd forget to eat BC of the busyness of kids and then eat junk in a hurry BC I was sooo hungry. You can do this. Sit down and think about how you're feeling before you eat and listen to your body, not your cravings :-) hope this helps.
  • Thank you. Its this insulin belly