Kettlebell workout?

psmd Posts: 764 Member
I am interested in lifting but the gym at my work only has a few machines, no free weights. I was thinking maybe kettlebell workouts might be a good way to start at home without having to invest in a bunch of weights.

Anyone have any experience with kettlebell workouts for strength training? If there are any youtube videos you like please share! (no DVD player currently)



  • Hey my friend swears by kettlebells, great for toning apparently, I'm just starting to workout and will be using them so im eager to see if it's true will keep you posted if you like :-)
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    I am just about to start working out with a kettlebell at home as well. I found a TON of workouts with them on
    I'm sure you can find some online or on youtube as well.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    you can find Jillian Michaels "Shred it with weights" video on youtube, it is kettlebell exercises. I just did it the other day and i'm still sore!
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    I'm going to Academy tonight to pick up a kettlebell. Tons of videos online for good workouts with them! :smiley:
  • ucrdancer
    ucrdancer Posts: 27 Member
    I'm getting a kettlebell this week!
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    Kettlebells are great and very versatile. One note of caution, if you are going by yourself, without a trainer or a class, make sure you take your time and really watch your form. Like anything, you can easily hurt yourself more than you realize with poor form.
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    I've been doing kettlebells for a few weeks now and I LOVE IT! I have a 3in1 kettlebell and vary the weight depending on the work out. I am doing a dvd by Gin Miller and I also have the Jillian Michaels's dvd Shred it with Weights when Im feeling braver. Kettlebells are soooo good at working the core, I feel much stronger just since the new year!

    Dont know of any on you tube but Gin Miller and Paul Katami are two known instructors.
  • I do kettlebells twice a week. Great workout to build functional strength. Make sure you see a certified kettlebell instructor to learn the basics though because if done with improper form it can be very bad for your joints, especially your back. Like crossfit it's a workout that I wouldn't try learning from a video. Form and safety first!
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    We use them quite often in boot camp and they do work. Turkish get ups, swings, etc. always "feel it" after those days.
  • ucrdancer
    ucrdancer Posts: 27 Member
    I'm thinking about getting 10lb. but not sure on the weight. I'm also getting the Shred it with Weights dvd
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    ucrdancer wrote: »
    I'm thinking about getting 10lb. but not sure on the weight. I'm also getting the Shred it with Weights dvd

    My 3in1 goes from 5lbs to 12lbs. Might be something to look into?

  • Fitnessblender has several kettlebell workouts on youtube, check it out :D
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
  • ucrdancer
    ucrdancer Posts: 27 Member
    Pickles175 wrote: »
    ucrdancer wrote: »
    I'm thinking about getting 10lb. but not sure on the weight. I'm also getting the Shred it with Weights dvd

    My 3in1 goes from 5lbs to 12lbs. Might be something to look into?

  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    I love kettlebells! I usually browse youtube, pinterest and kettlebell apps for ideas.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    aimelee wrote: »
    you can find Jillian Michaels "Shred it with weights" video on youtube, it is kettlebell exercises. I just did it the other day and i'm still sore!

    I'd use caution with Jillian Michaels kettlebell workout. From what I've heard (and seen) her form isn't great, and with kettlebells form is everything.

    I personally recommend going to a few classes by someone who is RKC or StrongFirst certified. Go to a few classes to get your form down properly, and then go to youtube videos.

    If you cannot find a certified trainer in your area, check out BodyFit By Amy's kettlebell workouts (she's RKC certified). Here are some links:
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Best whole body workout out there! YouTube has great options for all levels. Good luck!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    thanks for those last links! i've done weight training with a trainer in the past so I feel pretty comfortable that my form will generally be okay, but I will definitely watch it.

    I was going to go buy one tomorrow, there is 8, 12 or 15 pounds...any thoughts on this?
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    and thanks for the encouragement, i'm excited to try it out!
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    Jillian Michaels kettle bell form is HORRIBLE!!! Run far, far away from any of her kettle bell DVDs! If you are seriously wanting to use kettle bells as part of your workout, find someone who is either RKC or SFG certified to teach you the basics. The movements are simple, but due to the nature of the offset weight of a kettle bell, you will hurt yourself if you don't use improper form.

    I have been working out with kettle bells for over a year, and absolutely LOVE them. In fact, I plan on getting SFG certified at some point in the future. (As in, I really need to look into when the weekends are and just pick a date to get it done.)

    While there are tons of videos out there, they aren't all created equally. For every video with good technique and teaching, you will find a dozen that vary from "not the best" to "do not do what this person is telling you to do".

    If you can find anything out there by Karen Smith, Tracy Reifkind, Geoff Neupert, or Pavel Tsatsouline, they would be reliable resources, and a great place to start.