Italian food

I'm going out for Italian food tonight. I am gluten free and know this particular restaurant offers GF pasta but I wanted to make the best choice, calorie wise. I would love some suggestions!!


  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Tomato rather than cheesy/creamy sauces. Chicken and seafood tend to be lower calorie than beef/pork.
  • GingerbreadCandy
    GingerbreadCandy Posts: 403 Member
    edited January 2015

    Not knowing what the restaurant offers, and especially whether or not it's genuine Italian, makes it hard to give advice.

    In general though, you want to go for the simplest pasta sauces… cherry tomatoes and basil, for example. Avoid carbonara, an engineer friend once calculated that being the meal with the best price/calorie ratio in absolute.

    Risottos are generally quite calorie-heavy due to the butter used in them.

    If there are fish dishes, those are probably the your safest bet. Fish in Italy is generally just baked in the oven or in a pan with just a tiny bit of olive oil.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    The best bet calorie-wise would likely be a non-pasta dish. Some type of grilled or baked meat with a veggie side is probably going to be less calories than a plate full of pasta.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    Asotelo4 wrote: »
    I'm going out for Italian food tonight. I am gluten free and know this particular restaurant offers GF pasta but I wanted to make the best choice, calorie wise. I would love some suggestions!!

    go to their website ahead of time and look at their menu is always the best thing. A choice made ahead of time is better than one made quickly sometimes when it comes to food
  • Asotelo4
    Great suggestions! Thanks everyone!