Need friends :)

Hello everyone. I am Rachel. I'm 21 and live in Florida. I need to lose about 15 pounds. I am actually a My Fitness Pal veteran lol. One year ago I lost 12 pounds by using MFP combined with exercise and the South Beach Diet, but I gained it all back (plus a few). So, I am looking for some nice, motivational, optimistic friends so we can support each other. I would like people who have similar goals to me. But even if they're different, that's ok, too : ) Reply to my post and we could be friends. Thanks!


  • ClaudiaMessenger
    ClaudiaMessenger Posts: 24 Member
    Hey, I want to lose about 20lbs but none of my friends or family are dieting at the moment so I need some support! I've lost around 50lbs over 2 years but I want to get off this last bit of weight
    I defo think we can reach our goals if we put our minds to it :D
  • lauramh7684
    lauramh7684 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi - feel free to add - we are all in this together
  • junebug730
    Hello. I'm new to this , looking to lose 20lb. Also live in Florida. Feel free to touch base for any help or motivation.
  • k_wad2012
    Hey! My name is Kaitlin and I'm 21 looking to lose about 25lbs. Just like you all I haven't had luck finding friends who are good at motivation. I say we all add each other and touch base (at least) once a week or more to encourage one another or see how we are all doing. We can defiantly help keep each other acountable in our goals :)
  • Malty111
    Malty111 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm Emma, 20 years old. I agree, having people to motivate would be a good help. I want to hover round about where I am right now but in a healthy way so making up the calories with good, healthy foods rather than lots of chocolate... Good luck with your goals :)
  • bababs89
    bababs89 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi, I'm Abbie. I'm looking to stay around the weight I'm at, but focus on being more active and making healthier food choices - and if I lose a few pounds, great! Feel free to add me - the more support and motivation, the better!!
  • surfer1969
    Welcome back! I did this back in 2013 and it worked. I'm back to tighten up for the summer. Also in Florida
  • RHolden85
    RHolden85 Posts: 668 Member
    Hey everybody. I am always searching for new friends. Nothing beats an amazing support system and sharing stories of success! I am looking to drop 30 lbs total. I dropped 24 lbs while in Iraq. On my return home i slacked off because i felt as if i deserved a break. Huge mistake on my part. As the weeks and pounds came back i just could not motivate myself to get up and go. I am well on my way to my goal and i am looking to meet some great people along the way!
    Hi, I'm Jemma. I've used this before and I lost 42lb (3stone) had to stop dieting / exercising for medical reasons. Need to get back to my dream weight so I need motivational friends :-)
  • ROBtheMFPmachine
    ROBtheMFPmachine Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in a similar situation, and I find that giving and receiving support on MFP really helps! Anyone add me please
  • keithw2013
    keithw2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Same here looking for 10-15 pounds. Trying to lower my body fat percentage and add or at least maintain muscle.
  • angeliciam
    Hello everyone!! Just started using mfp and I love it!! I'm looking to lose 30lbs, to start. Motivation from friends would be great! Everyone, feel free to add me!!
  • ajanegaudet
    ajanegaudet Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking to lose 41 lbs and run a full marathon! I kind of slacked off for 2 years and the weight piled on. Running my old times is important but it won't happen if I'm this weight.
  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am curious to know how MFP friends can help. Do you guys get together to work out?