New to this

Help me stay motivated . Please


  • Hi I'm just getting started also. We can keep a check on each other.
  • Feel free to add me. We can support each other.. I have 85 pds to lose
  • ping812015 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me. We can support each other.. I have 85 pds to lose
    ping812015 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me. We can support each other.. I have 85 pds to lose

    Hey Hun, yes let's support eachother this is my first day. I have 5 kgs to lose . Doing the whole low calorie clean eating diet.. And 30mins cardio
  • srb3205 wrote: »
    Hi I'm just getting started also. We can keep a check on each other.

    Awesome!! Will do! Let's do this.. This is my first day here in Australia !
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Are you on holidays or moved over here? I'm Aussie. In Queensland.