FT Nurse, wife & Mom of 2 teens

Ive been on for nearly 2 weeks now. Down 8 pounds!! Just 82 lbs to go! Lol. Used to getting quick meals because im too tired to always cook. Looking for some prep cooking for work lunches and friends to help keep me accountable!! :-)


  • Grace77447722
    Grace77447722 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, congrats on the 8 lb loss. I'm looking to loose this 20 lbs this year. I'm an operations manager & a proud mother of three teens. Isn't it fun???? Lol
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    I work nights and the cafeteria is always closed so I generally pack some nuts, a cheese stick (always real cheese) a piece of fruit and a microwaveable meal- generally I get evol meals because I can pronounce all the ingredients and they have some good gluten free options (damn you, celiac!). I then grab small snack throughout the night and try to keep a full cup of water by me at all times. I am considering getting a food scale so that I can measure out portions better and stop guesstimating.
  • swansongzoso
    swansongzoso Posts: 3 Member
    I do use my food scale A LOT. It really helps to SEE exactly what you should be eating. Nuts are a great option, protein fills u up. And has good fat. Gonna pick some up. Teens are not fun. Lmao. Pullin my hair out wonderin how they got so smart, i mean, they know EVERYTHING! Lol
  • I get huge bags of raw almonds at Costco, they make great snacks :-)