women with PCOS/IR: post your macro ratio

Hi all, I'm playing around with my ratios, just curious how others with the same issues are doing with their goals. Could you post your carb-protein-fat ratio and how much success you've had on that ratio? Thanks!


  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I haven't paid as much attention to my macros, simple calorie in vs. Calorie out. I lost 62 lbs and then got pregnant... oops! 34 weeks now. Exercise is most important for me it seems.
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Well I read that women with PCOS/IR should aim for 30-40-30 (carbs-protein-fat%) but I'm having trouble getting that much protein, so I'm wondering if there's any advantage. We'll see!
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mine is set to 30-40-30 (c-p-f,) but I've been going over in the fat category more days than not lol. As long as I'm not going over in carbs, I feel okay with that, though
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Yeah I think I'll be okay going over on the fat too if I can just lower the carbs. I'm experimenting today to see if I can take in more protein without having to drink shakes or something.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I am for .75-.8g of protein per pound of bodyweight, which comes to around 120 grams per day. That, I consider a minimum and don't care if I go over. Fat is .4 grams per pound of bodyweight but I don't really watch to be sure I meet it (rarely do I not meet it.) Carbs are whatever. I don't track them. They end up being lower than average because I don't eat a lot of grains but not low enough to be considered truly low carb.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    edited January 2015
    No PCOS but have IR...my is 25 (carbs) - 45 (protein) - 30 (fat). I focus mostly on carb grams keeping it low as I can while getting my veggies in. I had about 30 pounds to lose and I'm now down to the last 5 pounds. Eating this way has been good for me. My last lab results were excellent. My doctor said it was the best set of results she saw that day and I saw her at 5 pm. LOL!

    Before someone brosciences me on protein, let me say I'm quite petite and pretty sedentary.
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Interesting. I feel like I am eating as much protein as I can stomach, but still not coming close to what it recommends at 40%. So I just changed it to 35/35/30, which tells me to eat 130g of carbs and 130g of protein. (I'm a small woman too, that's more than I weigh per pound.) I've had enough fish, turkey, eggs, and peanut butter for the day, I'm not even hungry enough to keep eating that stuff. But tbh if there was a cheesecake in front of me, I could probably devour it. :)
  • jodielarms
    jodielarms Posts: 51 Member
    When I see my endocrinologist every six months she tells me that I should aim for 50g of carbs a day (no idea what my ratios are now or what that would be) but I think that's absolutely ridiculous. I would rip someone's head off!
    As a side note I was diagnosed 10 years ago and I have had 2 babies in the past 4 years(with no help, and in fact I was on bc the whole time). I never followed her diet and I have dropped about 25 of the 60 pounds she has been after me to lose for the past decade.
    Find what works for you and your body. This is a slow journey and if you need advice try a nutritionist or a doctor to advise you.
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks, I will keep tweaking it until I find what works. I am only trying to lose about 5 lbs, so I'm not in a hurry. Once I start lifting weights, this will all change. My aim is to just boost my self-esteem by losing some fat and fitting into my normal clothes, then I'll be more inclined to get to the gym and do some work! :)