Need motivational people trying to lose 50 pounds..



  • ZLomax
    ZLomax Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose around 55 lbs. So difficult but I've got 4 weddings to go to this year so at least need to lose some! I've lost 5 so far but finding inspiration difficult, especially at breakfast time when all I want is a bacon buttie or a bagel!!
  • Nitsirhc16
    Nitsirhc16 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey out there!
    So I've been on a fitness journey for some time now. I have lost over 40lbs, and now I'm looking into toning. If you would like to be buddies feel free to add me. If you need motivation let me know!
    Good luck to all of you on your journeys!

  • I've been on this back and fourth journey for such a long time now, but I'm ready to do this for real and to never go back to what I am now!! Would love some extra motivation and fitness buddies to help push for that new me :smile:
  • Race_ah
    Race_ah Posts: 7 Member
    Hey. I need to lose 28kg/62pounds. Looking for someone to challenge me
  • khol1
    khol1 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey, I've managed to lose 33lbs so far and looking to lose another 28lbs, feel free to add me if you like B)
  • pfran09
    pfran09 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I have 50-60 more pounds to lose. I have lost 37 lbs so far by cutting out bad carbs and sweets. Working to lose the last 50 lbs by summer!!! Feel free to add me.