80-ish pounds to get rid of....

*Cuts right to the chase*
Alright here's my problem- I want to be the lean sexy lady I feel like I am under all the extra padding I've got on me at the moment. However, it feels like every time I try, within a month I give up and I'm in the same or worse condition than when I started off.
I really want this time to be the last time I feel like I've failed or let myself down. I want this time to be the time that I get it and it sticks with me for the rest of my life.
I don't have a normal work schedule, so doing anything with a week-to-week consistency is tricky. I try to fit things in where I can, when I can, but I'm a little slug- if I don't have to be somewhere, I don't usually put too much effort into doing anything that's not immediately necessary.
So I guess I'm looking for something, somehow, someway to keep myself motivated. To get up when all I want to do is lay back down. To go get on the elliptical, even though I want nothing more than to find the tools I need to dismantle that weapon of torture, tear it apart and laugh like a madman. To get sweaty and gross and exhaust myself instead of kicking back on the sofa and stuffing my face full of cookies.
I really do want to be successful!!! Any and all input is welcome. Thank you!


  • Firewalker23
    Firewalker23 Posts: 6 Member
    You know, I have similar problem! I work three-12+ hour shifts in a row, then have to go to school full time on top of that. Keeping a consistent schedule is difficult. But so far, I've found that when I'm kicking back on the couch, I'm stretching. I also have the TV remote somewhat far away, so if I want to change the channel or turn up/down the volume, I have to literally get UP and walk for the remote. Small things like that give me tiny victories, which add up to motivate me to go to the gym or take the stairs at work.

    Give yourself small goals, enjoy the tiny victories, and eventually it all adds up to keep you motivated. Before you know it, you've made lifestyle changes and are a new successful, lean lady!
  • CoachK17
    CoachK17 Posts: 268 Member
    *Cuts right to the chase*
    Alright here's my problem- I want to be the lean sexy lady I feel like I am under all the extra padding I've got on me at the moment. However, it feels like every time I try, within a month I give up and I'm in the same or worse condition than when I started off.
    I really want this time to be the last time I feel like I've failed or let myself down. I want this time to be the time that I get it and it sticks with me for the rest of my life.
    I don't have a normal work schedule, so doing anything with a week-to-week consistency is tricky. I try to fit things in where I can, when I can, but I'm a little slug- if I don't have to be somewhere, I don't usually put too much effort into doing anything that's not immediately necessary.
    So I guess I'm looking for something, somehow, someway to keep myself motivated. To get up when all I want to do is lay back down. To go get on the elliptical, even though I want nothing more than to find the tools I need to dismantle that weapon of torture, tear it apart and laugh like a madman. To get sweaty and gross and exhaust myself instead of kicking back on the sofa and stuffing my face full of cookies.
    I really do want to be successful!!! Any and all input is welcome. Thank you!

    Message me. I have some thoughts!
  • Nikki0912anp
    Nikki0912anp Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same situation!
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Someone just told me today that sweat is actually tears from our fat crying
  • steamingcoffee
    steamingcoffee Posts: 55 Member
    I am struggling with the same things! Having such an irregular schedule really messes with me
  • I have to work hard to find the time to work out... So many days I want to say screw it and give up... But I keep trucking on!
  • missxemotional07
    missxemotional07 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been saying, trying, and failing to lose and keep off weight for a few years now and everytime i gain more weight. I am the largest I've ever been in my life. I'm 5'7" and 202.8 lbs but i was 207.8lbs a little over a month ago. My my overall goal is to lose 60 but i will be proud if i can lose 30 and keep it off by this time next year. My goal until april is to do 100 sit-ups a week, no fried food, and the only fluids i drink are water, tea, and occasional protein shakes.

    If anyone has any tips or just want to not be alone during the struggle im available.
  • @steamingcoffee I bought a little $1 2015 monthly calendar today. I'm going to try scheduling my workouts into my day....? Guess we'll see how it turns out.