Looking for some Martial Arts friends (:

hi! I'm new to this app and I'm looking for friends. (: my main hobby other than racing RCs is Martial Arts. I'm in a Tang Soo Do class. Any other styles are welcome too (:


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I've seen a lot of Martial arts people on the forums. most seem to be boxing or MMA. I've never had any training, but always been interested. There is a Krav Maga (or whatever it is lol) school by me and I've been thinking of doing that.

    what kind of RCs?
  • bluefox1998
    bluefox1998 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not a very high belt rank but I'm loving ever minuet of it. (: the class I'm in is like a family.

    And I race an older RC, it's an associated B4 kit. It's almost time to upgrade unfortunately. Do you race?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    no, those are car RCs I guess? lol. I hear drone racing is very big, and they do it POV basically with a camera.
  • bluefox1998
    bluefox1998 Posts: 6 Member
    Not around here it isn't at least. And yup. (: RCs as in hobby RCs. They aren't really kids toys, unless it's like a stadium truck or 2WD SC truck. But the 1/8 scale buggies and truggies are scary.
  • bluefox1998
    bluefox1998 Posts: 6 Member
    It's not a cheep hobby at all though..
  • jreyn04
    jreyn04 Posts: 6 Member
    I earned my blackbelt in 08 in tkd, but after a car accident I quit practicing and gained a lot of weight. I'm working on getting back in shape so I can once again practice. I just don't have it in me to go back to a school when I can't handle pushups but I'm supposed to be a blackbelt.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Budo taijitsu form Ninjitsu here B)
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    brazilian jiu jitsu blue belt. train in judo, kickboxing as well.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Not active anymore but did sport kickboxing and wado ryu to 1st dan before kids. Now I just beat on the bag at the gym. Hubster races 1/10 tamiya. Hubby had an associated B4 before an X6 and now an SV2. Started with M-03 minis many moons ago
  • Chaidell
    Chaidell Posts: 121 Member
    I've done the traditional style of taekwondo (not the style you see on the Olympics, but the style that is closer to karate) for about 12 years now. I'm at school far away from home so I can only practice on school breaks though. It's without a doubt my favorite form of exercise.
  • lmp379
    lmp379 Posts: 17 Member
    karate, kumite and kobudo here - Shorin Ryu and Goju Ryu with some judo and kickboxing. Over 27 years now! :)
  • midnitesage
    I study Tang Soo Do, I'm a year from black belt.
  • uswatiger
    I studied wushu all my life but have been out of it for about 13 years. I'm looking to get bAck into but need to lose some weight. I gained about 50 lbs since I stopped. :'(
  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    edited February 2015
    Primary arts: Okinawan Goju-Ryu (Godan) and Okinawan Kobudo (Nidan).

    I've also trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, White Crane Gung-Fu, Aikido, and Koryu Uchinadi.

    21 years of experience.

    I don't compete anymore, and I don't teach anymore. I just train for me. I may pass the art on to my kids some day, if they are willing to live it.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    I earned a 2nd dan black belt in Shotokan Karate (I competed in full contact karate or kyokushin though. NO point fighting) and Judo as a kid but I quit training and competing when I was 14 and started playing football. Then I got into powerlifting and strongman and just recently went back and started taking Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes.
  • newrhapsody33
    newrhapsody33 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I take taekwondo as well. I started 10 months ago and love it. Testing for my blue belt this month. Feel free to send a friend request if you'd like. I'm not currently logging food, but I'm active and I like to encourage my friends.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I'm a yellow belt at a kickboxing/mauy Thai place

    Been pretty good so far. I think I have another grading in a month or two. Hope I pass, only scrapped through to yellow belt(well arm band)

    Add me if you want.
  • madierdorf
    madierdorf Posts: 73 Member
    I got my black belt last year in Shorin Ryu . Still practice it at 58 yo. I started running too.
  • cjwilli2
    Got black belt in tkd when i was 13, then my school moved outta my range. Did some mixed stuff off and on for a bit, then joined the martial arts club at my college and started grappling (bjj). I enjoyed the cool kicks of tkd, but grappling is best thing I ever competed in. Had to get a job again so now I can't do it this year but hopefully next year I'll be back at it.
  • signa1380
    Brazilian jiu jitsu Brown belt. Ive been training about 6 years.