
Hey! I'm Meg! I'm 19 years old and I live in England.
I'm not a new member, but I've recently decided to return to the community after about 2 years. I lost a lot of weight previously but I lost all motivation and put it all back on again. :(
I'm back now, and I'm gonna do this! I weigh roughly 15 and a half stone, and I want to be at 10 stone. It'll be a hard journey but I will get there!
Looking for active friends as a lot of the friends on here from 2 years ago are no longer active. Feel free to add me!


  • jesst17
    jesst17 Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    Well ı cant add you
    I am 18, from turkey ı try to lose some weight too, maybe friends can help me in this journal