Does everyone eat breakfast?



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I know a study was released at the beginning of the year that a *big* breakfast doesn't necessarily reduce daily calories, but "big" was defined as "400 calories more than a small breakfast": If you are consuming 600-800 calories at breakfast, for a lot of us, that is half your daily goal!! Due to the recent date and lots of media attention, this study probably sticks in people's mind, but all of the headlines refer to a *big* breakfast.

    In support of breakfast:
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    People will tell you that breakfast is important to jump start your metabolism. That is a myth. If you want breakfast, eat it. If not, don't. There have been studies that actually prove that those who eat breakfast are more likely to consume more calories a day. I don't think eating breakfast nor skipping breakfast will help your weight loss. It's all about a proper nutritious diet within your calorie goals, and exercise.

    Do you have any sources to back up this claim?
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I've never been a breakfast person until around 10:00am or 11:00 am. But I can say that when I do eat breakfast, even if something small, I have better success with weight loss.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I know it's a anecdote, but my roomie use to never ever eat breakfast (and rarely lunch though she'd get her full day's calories for dinner) and when she started eating at least breakfast she began losing weight.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    People will tell you that breakfast is important to jump start your metabolism. That is a myth. If you want breakfast, eat it. If not, don't. There have been studies that actually prove that those who eat breakfast are more likely to consume more calories a day. I don't think eating breakfast nor skipping breakfast will help your weight loss. It's all about a proper nutritious diet within your calorie goals, and exercise.

    Well I would beg to differ and I think most creditable physicians would so to. When I didn't eat breakfast I had a very difficult time losing weight on the regular. Now that I have changed the way I eat (5 meals a day) I have definitely dropped weight *glances at my ticker* yep I do think breakfast is indeed important. Now the jump starting the metabolism...nope that is morning exercise, but skipping breakfast is a no,no. It is very important for weightloss.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    G-D right!!!! I love breakfast!!
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    Everything has changed dramatically since I started eating breakfast daily. In fact, I got away from it for a little while, things slowed down. Now, back on board, back on track.
  • amloyo
    amloyo Posts: 1
    breakfast increases the metabolism...which in turn sheds pounds far more efficiently than without having breakfast.
  • shortcake05
    shortcake05 Posts: 31
    I know a study was released at the beginning of the year that a *big* breakfast doesn't necessarily reduce daily calories, but "big" was defined as "400 calories more than a small breakfast": If you are consuming 600-800 calories at breakfast, for a lot of us, that is half your daily goal!! Due to the recent date and lots of media attention, this study probably sticks in people's mind, but all of the headlines refer to a *big* breakfast.

    In support of breakfast:

    600-800 calories at breakfast...that is kind of a no-brainer. Of course that won't help any. I think it's obvious that a *big* breakfast isn't ideal. Everyone has a different idea what a big breakfast entails. For me, a big breakfast is anything over 300 calories. Breakfast is definitely important, but eating 600+ calories is bordering irresponsible. Unless you wake up and run 6 or more miles (which isn't uncommon for some people including myself), then there is no need to eat that much.

    I still don't see any legit evidence to support the idea that eating breakfast is related to higher caloric intake throughout the day.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Frankly, breakfast is the first meal of your day. Whether it is right after you wake up or hours after you wake up. The problem with skipping breakfast is not that in and of itself it will cause weigh gain, but that it is a disregulation of eating patterns. Usually it is associated with bad eating habits and a busy lifestyle (that has even been mentioned above as a reason one person finds breakfast in the morning difficult to eat). It is the bad eating habits that cause the weight gain, not the skipping of breakfast in the morning. There are hundreds if not thousands of people who use the approach to muscle building and fat loss and they don't eat breakfast until early afternoon, then eat a well balanced diet from a start time of 12:30-2PM to about 8PM staying within their caloric budget. All of them lose fat quite well and never eat a morning breakfast.

    Here is a summary of some of the stuff that is behind that approach to eating

    Basically, if you are not thrown off you eating because of skipping breakfast, then your weight loss will not be negatively or positively impacted from eating a morning breakfast. The danger is that you may grab food you should not eat out of convenience later that blow out your caloric budget and are nutritionally empty. For others, as mentioned above, they feel they have no energy if they don't eat breakfast in the morning.

    As for me, I do it both ways. I usually eat a large breakfast, but there are days I do a leangains sort of approach where I don't eat until early afternoon. More often I do an Eat Stop Eat approach where I do a 24 hour fast 1 or 2 times a week starting when I finish supper one night to supper time the next night. It has not hindered my weigh loss at all.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    For many people, skipping breakfast results in feeling low energy and bingeing later in the day. It does not "jumpstart" your metabolism, but it does help keep blood sugar more even and can prevent the 'afternoon crash".

    Also, for many skipping breakfast can make reaching macro goals (protein/fat/carb) difficult, because the cals aren't spread throughout the day.

    Eating breakfast has made ALL the difference for me - I no longer snack all afternoon evening.

    ^^ This.

    I never used to eat breakfast - I'm a sleep in as late as I can and rush through my morning routine kind of guy. But, I would feel snacky and low on energy all morning (and sometimes in the afternoon). I started by eating something small - a banana, an egg, a piece of toast - whatever. Just *something*. Then, I gradually increased the size and improved the quality of my breakfast. After some trial and error, I've found the best breakfast for me is full of protein and fats - I can take or leave the carbs. I typically try to eat at least 200, but preferably 300-400 calories for breakfast now. I feel tons better on days when I eat a good, solid breakfast.

    It does take time to build up your "tolerance" (or whatever you want to call it) if you're not used to eating breakfast. If you start small, and gradually add the calories, though, it's not too difficult.

    The past few days I've had 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon and a single serving of regular oatmeal... 390 calories, easily fits into my 1300 cal/day plan (I up this on days I workout), and it keep me going all morning. It's well balanced - 25g protein, 29g carbs and 20g fat. Mmm... and delicious, too!
  • I'm starting to get in the habit of eating breakfast. I used to not eat it because like you I just wasnt hunry in the a.m. Now I try to force myself to do it because I know its the most important meal of the day and it's where I can eat most of my calories lol. I eat a fairly decent breakfast and then eat lighter throughout the day. Try eating something small, yogurt and a banana or cereal and banana something like that. Make it a priority.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Funny, I had a couple conversations about eating breakfast yesterday. Both people told me that they were given the advice to eat something practically the minute they woke up and it should be high in protein like an egg or protein shake or a good carb/protein combo like peanut butter.

    I'm not much of a breakfast eater either and tend to wait at least 2 hours after I get up to eat, otherwise I get indigesion and almost feel sick. But this morning I tried something new by putting chocolate flavored protein powder in my coffee and it was pretty tasty! And I actually did feel a bit more revved up through the morning. It's only the first day though so I'm not getting too overly excited yet. We'll see if I can keep it up for a couple weeks and if that makes any difference.
  • I never could go without breakfast. I would be dragging the entire day. I would skip dinner before skipping breakfast.
  • kammiekins
    kammiekins Posts: 3
    yeah breakfast should be eaten they say eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like pauper , so breakkie should really be biggest meal also by skipping breakfast it makes your body grave sugery food, best of luck
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I don't but only coz I don't get hungry early in the morning, and I don't eat late at night either, well have done in the past on the odd occasion but mostly don't eat after 9pm
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 161 Member
    Breakfast is a must for me starts the momentum for healthier choices throughout the day plus jumpstarts my metabolism. I suggest adding breakfast back into your daily meal plan even if its just a piece of fruit, protein and a good fiber which will keep you satisfied til lunch. May want to plan ahead and try to plan out your breakfast for a week to see if it help with your weight loss... it never hurts to try since breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day. Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I never eat breakfast only coffee. I have had no problem loosing. I think everyone is different. You have to do what works for you.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I dont like eating breakfast, and I never did before MFP. Then I started eating breakfast and the weight came off quickly. In the past two weeks I have skipped a couple days, thinking it would be ok, but my weight loss has slowed down. I have no clue if it is related or not, but it seems like it could be. So i will go back to forcing a banana or egg down my throat!
  • GeenaLu
    GeenaLu Posts: 10
    I was never a big breakfast person before I started the 17 Day diet, and started logging my foods in MFP. I've noticed that I feel better and eat better throughout the day if I eat breakfast. I usually eat breakfast with protein so it sustains me a bit longer, and then about 9:30 will have a Yogurt of some sort to get me to lunch. I've lost 13lbs since April 4th, so I would say it works!!
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