Stuck - Any Suggestions?

tstodd Posts: 8
edited 1:41AM in Health and Weight Loss
I have been stuck at the same weight for weeks now. I've lost 3 lbs since January. In an effort to change up my routine, I joined a gym a month ago (going at least 3x per week) and have been really good about eating and counting calories. In the last month I've gained .5 lbs! Also increased my water although I still probably don't drink enough.

I'm so frustrated!! Any suggestions?



  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    When you work your muscles they tend to store water to help repair them... its half a pound don't get discouraged... go home and weigh a half a pound of water.. its really not that much..

    With that said, I would up your working out if you can work out 4-5 times a week, and I would play with your calories. 1200 may not be enough calories for you (assuming that is what yours is set on) I know it wasn't for me. I didn't start losing until I started eating close to 1400 calories.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    First, you already mentioned water (makes a HUGE difference in the amount of weight I lose)
    Otherwise, I would have to look at your diary to see if I could even offer suggestions. You don't have it set for me to view right now. (whether it is because it is set to friends only or just not public)
  • lilsweetslol
    lilsweetslol Posts: 68 Member
    I just broke a 5 week no weight loss plateau.. I was loosing inches though but sometimes its hard to not focus on the numbers on the scale (especially with all our efforts) .. Its really a matter of trial and error. Some of my MFP friends saw i was going into starvation mode because of the exercise.. I was eating 1200 calories and then earning 400+ from working out and not eating those calories back.. so my poor body was runnin on 800 calories : (
    So i started eating those calories back and vooolaaa lost weight!! I also drink 100 ounces of water a day, and try to stay under 60 grams of carbs a day..
    It would be good to make your diary viewable so we can take a look and see what you eating and offer up any advice : )
  • tstodd
    tstodd Posts: 8
    I changed my diary to make it public.

    Thanks for your help.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    A good way to kickstart weight loss is to 'shock' your body; either have a 'blow out' day and eat whatever you like & don't calorie count (within reason,) or do an exercise you never do (i.e. if running is your normal chosen exercise, then go for a swim etc.)
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